Mobile Phones and Gender Relations in Muslim Societies: two case studies in Rabat and Yogyakarta.

  • L.A. Brouwer (Speaker)

Activity: Lecture / PresentationAcademic


"The mobile Phone means a window to the world", a young veiled female student in Rabat told me. Without leaving her private room she can chat with people from all over the world, or just with a male friend in her neighbourhood. As a Muslim girl she is supposed to stay at home during the evening and to have a boyfriend. Through the mobile Phone the boundaries between public and private spaces have become blurred. In this lecture I elaborate how students deal with the new possiblities and challenges provided by social media regarding the gender relations.
Period29 Apr 2019
Event titleMobile Phones and Gender Relations in Muslim Societies: two casestudies: Morocco and Yogyakarta
Event typeLecture
LocationSurabaya, IndonesiaShow on map
Degree of RecognitionLocal