Numbers, Media and Memory. Nazi and communist victims lost in the clash of empires

  • R. van der Laarse (Speaker)

Activity: Lecture / PresentationAcademic


Rob van der Laarse
Numbers, Media and Memory. Nazi and communist victims lost in the clash of empires.
The Eastern-European Bloodlands between Nazi-Germany and the Soviet Union have from the beginning of WWII become a mediatized propaganda war. Using modern media like film and photography, and sciences like archaeology, demography, and spatial planning existing territories were transformed on an unprecedented scale into new heritagescapes, populated with new inhabitants on a massive scale by politcs of cleansing and forced migration. Up to today politicians and populations play the number game by use of former archival and visual propaganda often put on display in 'terror museums' and communicated via the internet, justifying the moral rights of westernizing postcommunist nations by politics of recognition communist terror by forgetting nazi crimes and terror. in this sense present totalitarian paradigm reflects politics of Holocast denial. How to reflect on this virtual warfare by means of 'facts' and numbers?
Period26 Sept 2013
Event titleInternational workshop "Media, Memory & Empire" (ASCA & ICH)
Event typeWorkshop