Innovation: new wine in old bottles? | Innovatie: nieuwe wijn in oude zakken?

  • L.W. van Gils
  • C.H.M. Kroon

Press/Media: Expert Comment


Organizations invest a lot of time and money in innovation and the government too stimulates modernization. After all, stagnation means decline. But new things do not always receive a warm welcome. Only a few new products and technologies catch on and social changes often also meet resistance. What makes ‘the new’ successful? This question also interests language researchers.

Period16 Sept 2018

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleInnovatie: nieuwe wijn in oude zakken?
    Degree of recognitionRegional
    Media name/outletMagazine De zin van taal | Language for society
    Media typePrint
    DescriptionOrganizations invest a lot of time and money in innovation and the government too stimulates modernization. After all, stagnation means decline. But new things do not always receive a warm welcome. Only a few new products and technologies catch on and social changes often also meet resistance. What makes ‘the new’ successful? This question also interests language researchers.
    PersonsL.W. van Gils, C.H.M. Kroon