URL study guide


Course Objective

• Students can use and understand different calibration methods and understand their limitations (functional, anatomy based, etc).
• Students can solve basic INVERSE kinematics in 2D, and understand the limitations/problems
• Students can use a toolbox (e.g. Opensim) to do inverse kinematics in 3D.
• Students are aware of, and understand, interpretation difficulties related to Euler decompositions
• Students can critically interpret and comment on methods as described in the literature

Course Content

In this course students will learn to understand the relevance of 3D kinematic analyses in Human Movement Science, and to understand the general approaches common in 3D kinematic analyses. To do so, they will expand their knowledge on 3D kinematics. They will learn about the (more or less) standard application methods. Students will start with programming the (basic) algorithms from scratch and / or construct script files that use Matlab toolboxes. Much attention is paid to the interpretation of 3-D kinematics results and the pitfalls and confusions related to the (mis)use of 3-D methods. The course will extend the students’ knowledge of direct kinematics using Euler angles. Then, inverse kinematics will be introduced. Students will code basic 2D inverse kinematics problems, and learn the difference between inverse and direct kinematics, and the problems associated with each of these methods. They will then use a toolbox to perform 3D inverse kinematics, and learn about potential pitfalls.

Teaching Methods

Lectures, computer practicals

Method of Assessment

Written assignment (50%), exam (50%)


Relevant papers will be listed in Canvas. A useful source is the book by Zatsiorsky (Zatsiorsky, Valdimir M., Kinematics of Human Motion. Champaign, Illinois: Human Kinetics, 1st edition, 1998. ISBN 0-880110767-5), which will be used as reference material.

Target Audience

The course builds on the course “applied biomechanics”, in which more rudimentary 3d kinematics are already discussed. As such, it is obligatory for students to follow “applied biomechanics”

Entry Requirements

The course builds on the course “applied biomechanics”, in which more rudimentary 3d kinematics are already discussed. As such, it is obligatory for students to follow “applied biomechanics”

Recommended background knowledge

The course builds on the course “applied biomechanics”, in which more rudimentary 3d kinematics are already discussed. As such, it is obligatory for students to follow “applied biomechanics”
Academic year1/09/2431/08/25
Course level3.00 EC

Language of Tuition

  • English

Study type

  • Master