aim of the colloquium is to contribute to improving the main question, organization and approach of the Bachelor thesis through group discussions among the students working on their thesis. The colloquium helps students to manage their workflow for the Bachelor thesis by offering a planned schedule of (obligatory) presentations of work in progress. n.b. The BA-thesis colloquium HIS semester 1 is only intended for students who were not able to take the regular ba-thesis colloquium in semester 2 the year before.Finalizing the thesis contract and work plan, writing the status quaestionis, draft introduction and work plan, and a poster presentation.Four group seminars.Individual assignments and presentation.Students BA 3 History and International Studies n.b.: The BA-thesis Colloquium His Semester 1 is only intended for students who were not able to take the regular ba-thesis colloquium in semester 2.This module is an obligatory course. Admission to the course will happen after a check. All courses should be completed and the BA-thesis colloquium his semester 1 is only intended for students who were not able to take the regular ba-thesis colloquium in semester 2. Students will only obtain a grade for their Bachelor thesis after successfully finishing the colloquium.The BA-thesis colloquium his semester 1 is only for students who were not able to take the regular ba-thesis colloquium in semester 2 the year before. These students should, at the start of period 1, have successfully completed all first and second year courses as well as most third year courses, and are actually working on their Bachelor thesis. This means that there should have been contact between the student and the intended supervisor, and that the subject of the thesis has been chosen. Participants must be able to prove this in writing, by handing in a signed thesis contract.Questions? Contact the course coordinator.