Bachelor Thesis Media, Art, Design and Architecture


URL study guide

Course Objective

The thesis trajectory consists of two parts: 1. The thesis colloquium includes group exercises in doing research for and writing theses; 2. The actual thesis which is supervised by one of the teachers of MKDA. Ba thesis colloquium: 1. The student demonstrates that she/he is independently able to develop a work plan that serves as a starting point for the thesis and that meets the guidelines of the program. This work plan addresses research into primary and secondary sources and methodologies relevant to the formulated thesis research, and includes a structured bibliography as the first phase for this thesis research. 2. The student is able to evaluate work of fellow students orally and in writing ('peer feedback'). Thesis: 1. The student demonstrates the ability to independently and according to AcVa guidelines compose an academic text based on research methods commonly used in Media, Art, Design and Architecture, and can complete it within a defined period of time; 2. The student demonstrates an understanding of theories and (subject-related) methodologies in the chosen specialization, and to be able to apply them to one or more cases; 3. The student demonstrates that she/he is able to independently search relevant and reliable sources and academic literature in relation to the topic; 4. The student demonstrates that she/he can academically legitimate the text and compile a structured bibliography; 5. The student demonstrates having obtained academic skills for Bachelor year 3 in terms of the structure of the thesis and use of language, with correct incorporation of literature/bibliography.

Course Content

The BA thesis is a proof of the achieved skill level for year 3 (300) regarding content and theory in one of the specialisations Media, Art, Design, and Architecture or in an interdisciplinary combination or MKDA general. As completion of the bachelor program Media, Art, Design and Architecture, in the second semester of the third year (period 3,4,5) the student independently writes a thesis of 12 credits (thesis & colloquium). The thesis should attest to the knowledge accumulated in the program of MKDA, with emphasis on the chosen specialisation (media, art, design or architecture) or an interdisciplinary combination of two directions. For the BA thesis, these are the ways to determine at a thesis topic: 1. Selection list: In a plenary information session in fall of the academic year of graduation, the program informs students about themes and possible topics from which to choose within the student's specialisation. 2. Course from the graduate program: the student takes a research seminar in the bachelor program and can use this course to formulate a thesis topic. The problem / research question is in line with the theme of the course, but clearly differs from that of the assignment completed as part of completing that course. 3. Own topic: exceptionally and only with the prior approval of the intended thesis supervisor, students may choose their own topic. The Media, Art, Design and Architecture bachelor thesis is a written paper of 7,000-10,000 words (excluding notes and literature, and appendices) that is largely completed independently under the guidance of a thesis supervisor. The thesis is a text composed on the basis of literature review and/or source research and possibly some archival research. The bachelor thesis may be used for further study of already collected material, or to explore certain themes in more detail. In doing so, the student may also combine more or less concurrent modules from the Media, Art, Design and Architecture study or possibly minors. The ba thesis colloquium involves reflection on the formal aspects of writing the bachelor thesis during seminar meetings and during which students comment on each other's work ('peer review'). In each meeting one phase of the research and writing process is discussed based on examples.

Teaching Methods

Individual study and supervision by a docent of the respective specialisation (thesis); Lectures and seminars (thesis colloquium)

Method of Assessment

Thesis (100%) / participation, assignments and peer review (thesis colloquium) Alignment of learning objectives and assessment: The course format is self-study. The intended learning objectives of the module will be assessed against the written thesis and according to criteria of the thesis assessment form available on VU-net and/or Canvas. This assessment form can also be found in the study manual of the thesis and the criteria for assessment of this form will be discussed in the thesis colloquium.


for the thesis colloquium will be announced in due course via Canvas announced.

Target Audience

3rd year bachelor Media, Art, Design and Architecture students who meet the entry requirements.

Custom Course Registration

For this course, you must sign in yourself. The registration and deregistration deadlines are listed on Late registration is not possible for this course!

Additional Information

Being enrolled in this course does not guarantee that you will actually be allowed to start the final thesis trajectory, as a final (or conditional) decision on this will only be made in January based on the courses passed until then. Students are informed by the end of January whether they will be allowed to proceed. The thesis track can only be completed if the thesis colloquium has been followed and the thesis has been graded with a minimum of 6.0.

Entry Requirements

In order to begin the thesis process, third-year students must have completed all courses of the first year and the second year (cf. Teaching and Examination Regulations (TER)).
Academic year1/09/2431/08/25
Course level12.00 EC

Language of Tuition

  • Bilingual

Study type

  • Bachelor