Bachelor Work Placement Media, Art, Design and Architecture


URL study guide

Course Objective

There are experience placements and research placements These have the following learning objectives: 1) Students are introduced to work routines within the broad field of professions MKDA relates to; 2) Students learn to apply knowledge and skills via one or more placement assignments; 3) Students gain insight into their position in relation to the job market and their ability to function in a professional organization, which makes the placement is of importance for career orientation; 4) During a research placement, and depending on the placement assignment, students train to conduct independent research; to communicate their findings in written and spoken form, including for a general public (websites, press releases etc.) 5) Students learn to reflect on their experiences in the organization and concerning the placement assignment(s) by writing a final report.

Course Content

The placement is part of the electives students can chose in the first semester of year 3. The content of the placement depends on the placement assignment. This assignment is formulated by the institution offering the placement, and will be agreed upon in the placement contract in consultation with the academic supervisor (from one of the MKDA tracks). There are experience placements and research placements. For both, an academic level is required concerning the placement activities and assignments. Both the intern and the placement institution should profit from the placement. The daily supervision is conducted within the institution (placement mentor). The academic supervisor ensures that the content of the placement has the intended level and learning effect and can be approached by the student if the placement does not appear to meet the expectations.

Teaching Methods

practical exercise

Method of Assessment

The placement process and assignment are assessed by the placement mentor. MKDA's academic supervisor reviews the final report, in which the student reflects upon the institution where the placement took place and his/her own position in this professional environment. The final assessment is not a grade, but an Unsatisfactory, Satisfactory, or Good. The assessment is determined in consultation between the placement mentor and the academic supervisor.

Target Audience

3rd year students of the BA Media, Art, Design, and Architecture

Additional Information

This module is an elective in the third year, first semester. The placement can be done in the elective space for a maximum of 12 EC. The remaining 18 EC of the elective space (of 30 EC in total) can be filled in with other electives. Students sign up for the placement themselves once the placement institution or organization has agreed and the placement plan has been discussed with the supervising lecturer of MKDA, and also the examination committee has given permission. Placement regulations and forms (also filed as 'internship regulations/forms') can be found on the faculty placement website (FGW). Students are encouraged to search for placement opportunities themselves and suggest them to a lecturer. Placement opportunities are also announced on the Bachelor MKDA Community site of Canvas. Here you also find testimonials of placement experiences of fellow students. Lecturers of the graduate programs in Media, Art, Design and Architecture can also be approached to find a placement; they have contacts with museums, institutions and design firms offering placements.

Entry Requirements

See Teaching and Exam Reguations (TER) MKDA
Academic year1/09/2431/08/25
Course level12.00 EC

Language of Tuition

  • Bilingual

Study type

  • Bachelor