Behavioral Strategy


URL study guide

Course Objective

Advanced academic skills: An important goal in strategic management is how to change business models. In order to understand what business models will be robust in the future, scenario's must be written in which the current business model is windtunneld. KPI's and behaviors that contribute to this new business model must be defined and realized. Knowledge and Complex Problem Solving This cours is aimed at strategy realization. How can we change results and behaviors? The robust science of behavior analysis (started by Ivan Pavlov) is learned and applied by the student in a real life case. Preferably in an organizatonal context or else at the invidual level about gaining self-control.

Course Content

The content builts on the science and application of behavior analysis, started a century ago by Ivan Pavlov. By discussing laboratory and field experiments, the laws of conditioning are revealed. The founding ABC analysis and following steps of behavioral change are explained: Pinpointing behaviors and results, measurement, Feedback, goalsetting and reinforcement as performance management tool. This highly successful behavior modification approach is now available for companies. The design of a field experiment is applied to a real life case, preferably in an organizational context, in small groups. Baseline measures are combined with understanding the current undesirable behavior (CUB), current desired behavior (CDB) and future desired behavior (FDB). Advantages of positive reinforcement (R+) are compared with negative reinforcement (R-), Punishment (P+) and Penalty (P-). Other concepts include schedules of reinforcement, contingencies of reinforcement, deprivations and satiation. During the tutorials students are assisted by the teacher in designing and implemeting their highly applicable field study. These will be presented at the end of the course. Knowledge and application skills learned during this course is highly recommended to future strategists, leaders, entrepreneurs and management consultants.

Teaching Methods

lecturestutorialspresentations web-based fluency training (voluntary)web-based Performance Improvement Plan for changing a specified performance

Method of Assessment

Examination about book, (guest-) lecturesPerformance Improvement Plan for field experiment


Daniels, A.C. & J. S. Bailey (2014, 5th ed.). Performance management. Atlanta: Aubrey Daniels International
- mandatory (available as e-book).

Target Audience

This is one of the interdisciplinary courses meant for students from the HRM, IM, LCM, MC, and S&O specialization programs.

Additional Information

This course is organised by the VU. For more information, please go to
- entrepreneurship/enrolment-courses-and-exams/index.asp

Entry Requirements

Not necessary

Recommended background knowledge

Strategic Management from a Practice Perspective. One day in the life of a CEO. Performance Management and Control.
Academic year1/09/2431/08/25
Course level6.00 EC

Language of Tuition

  • English

Study type

  • Master