URL study guide


Course Objective

To gain knowledge on the latest research and state of affairs within the field of behavioural genetics applied to psychology.

Course Content

Behaviour genetics is the field that uses genetic methods to investigate why certain traits run within families. Family members may be alike in personality, behaviour, cognition, psychological health, and lifestyle because they share their home environment but also because they are genetically related to each other. This course will focus on the influence of genes and the environment, and their interplay, on individual differences between people. We will discuss various research methods in behaviour genetics, including twin and family studies, and genome-wide association studies. Note that before 2022, this course was called "Twin Research in Psychology".

Teaching Methods

14 lectures (fully on campus), weekly online assignments, and self-study.

Method of Assessment

The multiple-choice exam will consist of questions covering the literature and lectures. To complete the course you must pass the exam, hand in the essay writing activity, review 2 blogs written by other students, and have completed and submitted via CANVAS at least 80% of the other assignments.


The textbook is recommended but not mandatory. Use the book as supporting material: to see more examples, to find background information, to get references, etc. Behavioral Genetics (7th Edition). Editors Knopik, Neiderhiser, DeFries, and Plomin. New York, NY: Worth publishers (ISBN: 978-1464176050).

Target Audience

Students in the University Minor "Psychology and the Brain". This course is NOT meant for BSc VU Psychology students. If you're a student in the Psychology department, you CANNOT take this course.
Academic year1/09/2431/08/25
Course level6.00 EC

Language of Tuition

  • English

Study type

  • Master
  • Bachelor