Biomedical Sciences and Society


URL study guide

Course Objective

Gaining knowledge and insight into:
- The intertwinement of society, biomedical science and technology, and sustainability
- The role of public opinion/views/norms/values in biomedical sciences
- Social scientific research into the ethical and societal aspects of science and technology
- Basic principles of science communication Applying knowledge and insights by:
- Analyzing past, ongoing and potential future developments in the biomedical sciences Developing skills with regard to:
- Executing and writing a desk study
- Working in teams
- Writing and presenting a scientific report

Course Content

In this course, we study the relationships between science, technology, and society. The first part of the course is dedicated to past, contemporary and future technological developments and their ethical, societal and sustainability implications. Based on examples, we disentangle the complexities of science and technology in our modern society. We look at the scientific system, rules and regulations, evaluation of science and technology, science communication, and sustainability concerns. Knowledge gained during the course is applied in a group research project. Students execute a desk study and work on a specific case in the context of biomedical sciences. The project results in a report and a presentation during the final week of the course. The following learning pathways are incorporated into this course: Academic skills Bioinformatic skills

Teaching Methods

Lectures: 8 hours Work groups: 22 hours Self-study: 130 hours

Method of Assessment

Written exam: 40% Report: 45% Presentation: 15% Peer feedback: pass/fail All elements need to be graded at least 5.5 to pass the course; no compensation possible.


See Canvas.

Additional Information

Important: not all information on with regard to the scheduling of workgroups is correct. This is due to the collaborative nature of the course. Details will be provided on canvas.
Academic year1/09/2431/08/25
Course level6.00 EC

Language of Tuition

  • English

Study type

  • Bachelor