Business Professionals


URL study guide

Course Objective

In the course Business Professionals, the focus is on the human element in the business modeling paradigm. The overall objective is gain knowledge about business models and management from the perspective of the professional. In addition to academic skills, the course emphasises professional skills, including creativity, communication, team work and reflexivity. This is covered both in the theory part as wel as in the training part (tutorials) of this course. In particular, when students complete this course, they will:
• Understand the profiles of key business professional roles such as chief executive officers, marketing, finance, human resources, operations and technology executives
• Be able to apply ideas about professionals for a reflection on their own background, personal role and career development as a (future) business professional
• Be able to formulate and analyze business modelling problems from the perspective of the business professional
• Be able to report verbally and in written report on assignments in the course.

Course Content

During the course students will explore cases and theories about the contribution of professionals in management and organization. Guiding questions are: Who are the people behind the key strategic decisions for the business model of an established firm or a new business venture? What functions, behaviors and capabilities are required for successful collaboration on the design and implementation of new business models? The content of the course entails an even-handed appreciation for theory and practice.

Teaching Methods

Lectures and tutorials --
- Attendance to both, lectures and tutorials, is highly recommended to pass the course In the first part of the course, lectures start with an introduction to (management) professionals; their task, responsibilities, and activities. Throughout the tutorials, students have the opportunity to apply the theoretical frameworks introduced in the lectures. To this end, the tutorials combine assignments, case studies and round-table discussions. Students are expected to actively contribute to the group’s experience and learning.

Method of Assessment

Written exam, assignments, presentation


A selection of articles, cases and support materials and the followingbook.Book: Hitt, M. A., Miller, C. C., & Colella, A. (2017). Organizationalbehavior. John Wiley & Sons

Additional Information

Taking the other P1 and P2 courses in the minor Business Administrationis strongly recommended
Academic year1/09/2431/08/25
Course level6.00 EC

Language of Tuition

  • English

Study type

  • Master
  • Bachelor