this course we will refresh and deepen the knowledge of the students in a number a selected topics of Molecular Cell Biology. Importantly, the objective is not to obtain a comprehensive overview of Cell Biology. After a general "refreshment of basic knowledge" and technical part, a few selected topics will be discussed in depth with guest lecturers (group leaders from different universities) based on reviews and primary research papers in their field of interest. An important aim is to learn how to read scientific papers and how to discuss scientific problems and controversies. The selected topics circle around folding, modification and trafficking of proteins in cells. How do proteins fold in their correct and active three-dimensional structure? How do proteins reach their correct destination in the cell (organelles, plasma membrane)? How do proteins insert and assemble in bacterial and mammalian membranes, how are they translocated across membranes? How are these processes related to disease and drug development? Along the way, the students will be informed on state-of-the-art methods and techniques used in this field such as fractionation of cells, determination of protein structure, proteomics, molecular interaction/crosslinking techniques and visualization of cells and cell components by advanced microscopy. Final attainment levels: -Ability to interpret and discuss newly acquired primary literature -General knowledge of indicated cell biology topics and methodology relevant for the course at the level of the book "Molecular Cell Biology" (Alberts et al.)See "form of tuition".In the first part of the course (week 1) students will study and discuss individually or in working groups part III (methods) and part IV (internal organization of the cell) of the book: "Molecular Biology of the Cell" (Alberts et al.). Chapter by chapter the students will be guided through the book and questions will be answered in plenary sessions. Excursions will be organized to labs specialized in specific techniques (10 contact hours). In the second part of the course (week 2-7; 20 contact hours) specific topics (protein trafficking, membrane protein function, importance of protein trafficking for Alzheimer's disease and tuberculosis) will be studied and discussed with lecturers from the VU and other universities. Each lecturer will present a seminar and discuss with the students very recent research papers and developments in his/her particular area of interest. The reviews and papers will be available via Canvas before the lectures. The third part (last week) of the course will be used to study and to prepare for the exam.A written exam with open questions in which the Alberts book and print-outs of papers discussed by the lecturers can be used (open book exam). There will be appr. 4 open questions about the first part of the course covered by the indicated Alberts chapters and the technology lectures/excursions given in the first week. For the second part of the exam, the students have to study a primary paper that will be revealed before the study period starts (end of week 7). At the exam, appr. 5 open questions will be about this specific paper.Chapters from Molecular Biology of the Cell (Alberts, Johnson, Lewis, Raff, Roberts, Walter) Sixth or Fifth edition, Garland Sciences. Research papers presented by the lecturers: links available via Canvas 1 month prior to the course.Master students Biomolecular SciencesMaximum number of participants: 50 E-mail:
[email protected] Guest lecturers (subject to reservation): Dr. P. van der Sluijs (UU), Prof. L. Hamoen (UvA, Amsterdam), Prof. T. Sixma (NKI), Prof. E. Reits, Prof.. G. Jimenez (UAMC), Dr. E. Houben, Dr. C. Bunduc and Dr. P. van Ulsen (VU)A bachelor degree in biology, medical biology, biomedical sciences or biochemistry. Basic (bachelor) knowledge of cell biology, microbiology, molecular biology and molecular genetics is required.