URL study guide


Course Objective

This course aims to introduce applied stem cell technologies. A rising number studies use induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technologies to model human genetic brain disorders. The course illustrates experimental approaches to study brain disorders from genetic analysis, stem cell cultures to functional assays, such as genome-wide association studies (GWAS), iPSC cultures, neural cell differentiation, 3D organoid cultures, and functional iPSC product characterization. The use of these techniques is demonstrated by hands-on training and embedded in short research projects. Stem cell cultures will be analyzed and results will be presented and discussed in plenary sessions. Current state of genetic and stem cell field in neuroscience will be explained in supporting lectures. Learning objectives: 1. The student understands how human genetic studies can guide iPSC research. 2. The student understands the prospects and challenges of stem cell technologies. 3. The student is familiar with current state of iPSC research in the context of genetic brain diseases, such as neuropsychiatric disorders. 4. The student can follow procedures for good cell culture practice. 5. The student can define a specific research question in a small team and translate this into an experimental set-up with appropriate controls. 6. The student can process obtained experimental data in a clear oral presentation in English. The student contributes actively to the discussion of the other presented projects.

Course Content

This is a practical course. In small work groups you will be introduced to advanced stem cell technologies and receive hands-on training. By executing a small research project, multi-disciplinary research involving genetic studies and stem cell assays, will be illustrated. Different stem cell cultures, including iPSC and 3D organoid cultures, will be demonstrated. Theoretical background and methods will be achieved by using examples from recent literature.

Teaching Methods

lecture, practicals, work groups and presentations. Participation in all practicals/workgroups is obligatory. Attending the lectures is highly recommended.

Method of Assessment

The grading will be as follows:Final exam (lecture content): 30%Research Report: 20%Research Presentation: 20% Practicals / Lab Execution: 30% To pass the course one needs a grade that is at least 5.5 for every part; compensation is not possible.


can be studied during the course and will be provided at the start of the course.

Target Audience

Course for MSc Neurosciences. Are you enrolled in another program and would like to participate in this course? Send an e-mail to the course coordinator before the course starts so that your eligibility can be evaluated.

Additional Information

A maximum of 15 students can be accommodated in the course. Preference is given to students who participate in the Master of Neuroscience program of the VU University Amsterdam. Course is taught in English.

Entry Requirements

Are you enrolled in another program than MSc Neurosciences and would like to participate in this course? Send an e-mail to the course coordinator before the course starts so that your eligibility can be evaluated.
Academic year1/09/2431/08/25
Course level6.00 EC

Language of Tuition

  • English

Study type

  • Master