To acquire knowledge of and insight in debates and problematic issues regarding the notions of artistic, religious and political iconoclasm and idolatry/ iconophilia both in past and present times. 2. To be actively involved in the course by textual analysis of the course literature related to the lectures. 3. To practice skills required for an academic essay by composing 1) research questions and 2) proposals (work plans). 4. To write a sound academic essay of substantial size and on level 300, consisting of course literature, additional independent research, and application to a new case, related to the course theme.After the historical and theoretical study of visual and material culture in years 1 and 2, year 3 of the bachelor of MKDA (Media, Art, Design and Architecture) problematises the concept of visual culture by paying attention to the critique of the image and to iconoclasm. Attention will be paid to religious and political iconoclasm (e.g. the Iconoclastic Fury of the Reformation); theoretical critique of 'ocular-centrism' and its effects on film theory; the problematisation of the image in modern art; iconisation and iconoclasm in design; and the (imagination of) the city as contested area.Lectures and seminar.Course objective 2: Weekly uploads of questions for the discussions in the seminar, to be submitted. Not respecting deadlines may have serious consequences. Course objectives 1, 3: Written formulation and justification of research questions, as the first prologue to the final essay. Needs to be submitted in order to continue with the work plan (proposal). Course objectives 1, 3: Written proposal on the basis of the previous assignment, as the second prologue to the final essay. Needs to be submitted, to be permitted to write the final essay. Course objective 1, 3, 4: Written final essay, of 3000 words, related to the course and of substantial academic level (level 300). The essay counts for 100% of the final grade, but discussion questions and work plans must beforehand have been passed as 'sufficient', in order to be allowed to start with the final essay.Articles, on Canvas or e-book.Compulsory for all 3rd year MKDA students (all specializations). Exchange students: only 3rd-year bachelor students with a background in Cultural Studies, Media Studies, or Art or Design History, within Faculties of Arts or Humanities, and with a good command of the English language.For attendance rules, see Teaching and Examination Regulations. Students should be aware that regular attendance is necessary to pass the course. Missing the first lecture (which also serves as an introduction to the course) may result in expulsion from the course. Written assignments can be submitted in English or Dutch, but students planning an English taught MA are strongly recommended to write in English.See Teaching and Exam Regulations (OER) MKDA.