URL study guide


Course Objective

This course provides an overview of the main issues in preparing the financial statements of large listed enterprises, in the broader context of corporate reporting. The focus of the course is on IFRS Accounting Standards . We also pay attention to IFRS Sustainability Standards (Bridging theory and practice
- knowledge). You will practice your knowledge by applying IFRS to a range of issues (Bridging theory and practice
- knowledge). In studying and applying IFRS, we will pay particular attention to the role of judgment in the standards (Broadening your horizon
- responsibility). We also consider the significance of XBRL, in combination with IFRS, for the future development of financial reporting (Broadening your horizon
- IT). After following this course, you will be familiar with:
- The architecture of international reporting standards for financial and non-financial information
- the IASB’s Framework and its key concepts with respect to recognition, measurement and performance presentation;
- the main requirements concerning recognition and measurement of the IFRS Accounting Standards selected for this course.
- the approach of IFRS Standard to disclosure.
- XBRL and its role in an IFRS context. You should then be able to: read and understand an accounting/reporting standard by yourself, identify the main issues it covers and explain the solutions it has adopted give a reasoned opinion on questions concerning the application of the standards covered in this course, including application of judgment; recognize and explain how IFRS has been applied in practice on the basis of extracts from financial statements of listed companies; discuss and evaluate aspects of standards in terms of their internal consistency, consistency with other standards, their agreement with the Framework, or the overall policies of the IASB/ISSB

Course Content

At the core of company reporting is the representation of financial position and financial performance in the balance sheet and income statement. Measuring these accounting numbers can be complex (think of uncertainty in provisions, or of financial instruments). In today's world, IFRS Accounting Standards play an important role in dealing with this complexity. In addition, IFRS Accounting Standards and the developing series of IFRS Sustainability regulate disclosure of information, both financial and non-financial. In practice, IFRS can function as just a set of rules that needs to be complied with. However, it can also be seen as an evolving body of knowledge in which relevant accounting and reporting issues are identified and analysed, and in which solutions are offered that aim to be principles-based and that are consistent with a set of underlying concepts. That is how IFRS is used in this course. We don’t use a textbook, but we use IFRS to become familiar with important accounting and reporting issues, to understand how they can be resolved, to reflect on the solutions offered in IFRS, and to see how even very detailed rules still require very important judgments from accounting professionals. While the course will not turn you into an IFRS specialist, you will acquire a knowledge of issues and concepts that will allow you to follow intelligently future developments in corporate reporting. You will also develop your practical skills in working with accounting standards so that you can find and apply more detailed knowledge when needed in practice or further specialized studies.

Teaching Methods

Combination of weblectures, live lectures (on campus) and tutorials (on Campus) for discussion of assignments.

Method of Assessment

Written exam; option to earn bonus points with participation in tutorials.


Selection of IFRS Accounting Standards and IFRS Sustainability Standards, as described in more detail in the course manual. Standards are accessible with a free account at the website of the IFRS Foundation. Subject to availability of facilities, the exam will be digital and students will be able to consult a digital version of the relevant standards during the exam. Students are then allowed but not required to bring a hard copy of the standards to the exam. Most of the standards used are included in the bound volume IFRS Accounting Standards 2024 (Issued Standards as of 1 January 2024) (published by IFRS Foundation).

Additional Information

This course requires intermediate knowledge of financial accounting, including preparation of consolidated financial statements, equivalent to the bachelor course Financial Accounting (E_EBE2_FAC).
Academic year1/09/2431/08/25
Course level6.00 EC

Language of Tuition

  • English

Study type

  • Master