Current Debates in Art and Culture


URL study guide

Course Objective

Students will gain practice in developing informed opinions on specific issues that they deem relevant, and in defending and substantiating a position, both orally and in writing. At the end of this course students should be able to: 1. analyze debates on visual art and material culture in such a way that they are able to contextualize current developments, position them within a discourse that relates to art and culture, and reflect critically upon various positions in relation to them; 2. apply knowledge of the forces that shape visual and material culture to contemporary cases, take a position, underpin it with relevant arguments, and pose innovative questions for research; 3. present a position both orally and in writing, offering substantiated arguments and pointing to (scholarly) sources; 4. contribute to group discussions and provide feedback to fellow students in an informed and constructive way; 5. revise written arguments based on feedback given by peers and the instructor.

Course Content

This course considers debates in the field of visual and material culture, centered around a selection of public events (lectures, debates, exhibitions). By focusing on selected ‘current’ debates, the students are stimulated to reflect on their own positions and career paths, and apply their knowledge and further develop their expertise to act in the professional field of visual and material culture. Therefore, the specific course content depends on contemporary discourse, events taking place in the field, and the academic assessment of the instructor.

Teaching Methods

Seminars, excursions (visits to events)

Method of Assessment

20% Written assignment 30% Written review 50% Final paper


Given the focus on current debates, literature is subject to change each year.

Target Audience

Year 3 MKDA students.

Additional Information

All lectures, class discussions, and about half of the required course readings will be in English. The selection of public events and debates (and additional information) during the course, will be accessible in English, Dutch, or a combination of both. Students who master Dutch, are encouraged to write their assignments in Dutch. For attendance rules, see Teaching and Examination Regulations. Students should be aware that regular attendance is necessary to pass the course.
Academic year1/09/2431/08/25
Course level6.00 EC

Language of Tuition

  • English

Study type

  • Bachelor