URL study guide
https://studiegids.vu.nl/en/courses/2024-2025/AM_1264Course Objective
Understand and describe the differences between mono-, multi-, inter- and transdisciplinary research;Implement the necessary steps to arrive at a research proposal, including identifying adequate research questions, literature review, selecting methods and data, developing an analytical framework, as well as providing structured discussion and analysis;Begin to develop a (interdisciplinary) research proposal;Present findings to a diverse audience.
Course Content
With the ever increasing complexity of environmental and socio-economic problems from climate change to global food security there is more than ever the need for holistic research programs to drive solutions, including interdisciplinary research that combines the theories tools and methods from a variety of academic disciplines. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the theories and methods of designing an interdisciplinary research project, to apply that knowledge further throughout the Earth Sciences programme. This module introduces students to the challenges and opportunities of interdisciplinary research. By discussing the differences between mono-disciplinary approaches, multi-, inter- and trans-disciplinarity, the module critically analyzes the theoretical underpinnings of interdisciplinarity in the context of global change research. In addition to providing a meta-theoretical discussion of doing research, the module also introduces the practical steps necessary to develop a sound research proposal, including how to identify a suitable research question, how to choose adequate methods, how to analyze data, as well as how to present the findings to varying audiences.
Teaching Methods
Lectures and seminarsMethod of Assessment
submission and presentation of a poster that presents an interdisciplinary research proposal.Literature
Articles and book chapters via Canvas; Text book 'An introduction to interdisciplinary research: theory and practice'Language of Tuition
- English
Study type
- Master