Documentary Film, International Law & World Politics


URL study guide

Course Objective

Upon completion of the course the student should be able to: (a) Identify different documentary genres, as well as the different ways in which narrative, image and sound are brought together (b) Understand the ways in which evidence is used in documentary film, as well as of the ways in which documentary film is used as evidence in court (c) Identify and discuss ethical aspects of documentary film making (d) Identify and discuss formal techniques and the invocation of authenticity in film (e) Understand the role of film festivals as sites of politics and legal education

Course Content

This course studies the role of documentary film in international law and world politics. Core topics of the course include:
• The propagandistic use of documentary film
• The use of documentary film in international legal proceedings
• The use of evidence and the construction of authority in documentary film
• The construction of narrative and argument in documentary film
• The use of formal techniques (editing, camerawork, sounds)
• The ethics of documentary making
• Documentary film festivals
• Development of research into documentary film

Teaching Methods

Interactive lectures, film screenings and discussion.

Method of Assessment

Short film or trailer (plus filmplan and reflection) Paper

Target Audience

This course is available for:
- Exchange students (Bachelor and Master)
- Students who are interested to follow this course as an extracurricular course
Academic year1/09/2431/08/25
Course level6.00 EC

Language of Tuition

  • English

Study type

  • Master