URL study guide
https://studiegids.vu.nl/en/courses/2024-2025/AB_1109Course Objective
• To understand key concepts, terminology and specific diseases of the double burden of disease
• To be able to explain the double burden of disease
• To understand the causes and implications of the double burden of disease in different contexts
• To gain insight into health interventions to address the double burden of disease
• To understand the complexities, consequences and possible interventions of the triple burden of disease
• To acquire skills on finding, reading and integrating relevant literature for a scientific essay
• To learn how to translate and communicate scientific results to the public, via online media
Course Content
The course ‘Double Burden of Disease’ is a course within the ‘Global Health’ minor of the Bachelor programs Health Sciences, Biomedical Sciences and Health & Life (and other health-oriented Bachelor programs). The course is interdisciplinary in nature and is open to students from any discipline/bachelors program who are either taking the "Global Health minor" or interested in the topic of "Double or Triple burden of Diseases". Low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) currently face a “double burden of disease”. This term was defined by the WHO as “first, the emerging epidemics of non-communicable diseases and injuries, which are becoming more prevalent in industrialized and developing countries alike, and second, some major infectious diseases which survived the 20th century – part of the unfinished health agenda” (WHO, 1999a). In essence, the health shift from communicable diseases (CDs) (e.g. hepatitis A, polio, measles, tetanus) to non-communicable/chronic diseases (NCDs) (e.g. cardiovascular diseases, cancers and diabetes), which health system experts had seen in high-income countries (HICs) after the second world war, is not happening in LMICs. Instead, people in LMICs now face the double burden of high rates of both NCDs and CDs. This is also described as double-disease burden, dual burden, joint burden, and combined burden. In addition, recent conversations within the health and scientific field have highlighted the “triple burden” of communicable diseases, non-communicable diseases and additional factors such as mental health, injuries, socio-behavioural conditions, lifestyle changes, climate change, etc. This introduces additional complexity to the existing problems of the double burden of disease. Although this course focuses on the double burden of disease, we will also discuss these emerging triple burdens. The beginning of the course presents an overview of communicable and non-communicable diseases as part of the conversation on the double and triple burden of disease. We will study key concepts and terminology as well as measurements related to the double burden of disease. The following lectures will address specific diseases as several examples of the double or triple burden of disease and how it affects people, professionals and health care systems. For example, HIV as an infectious and chronic condition, and mental health and related illnesses. Finally, we will discuss health system responses, interventions and programs to address the double (and triple) burden of disease. Important Note: For students who are interested in the minor Global Health, we highly encourage you to either follow all 5 courses (periods1+2+3) within this minor, or atleast 4 courses (periods1+2)! This is important because in the practical part of all courses in the minor Global Health, including this one, you will use your newly acquired knowledge and apply it in a community engaged learning project that runs from period 1 to 3. Students will work in project teams on a real-life transdisciplinary global health challenge together with various local and global community partners. Students will cross disciplinary boundaries and interact with health professionals, patients and others to gain an in-depth understanding of global health problems, and to take cohesive and strategic actions to address these problems at a local level. Each course in the minor program will incorporate a different sub-project, starting in the first two courses with a broad exploration and needs analysis on the topic, followed by a more thorough investigation on a specific challenge in the next two courses, and concluding in the final course with a proposal for a sustainable innovation. Training workshops are offered throughout the minor program to support the development of specific skills such as transdisciplinary collaboration, reflection, social justice, global citizenship, dealing with diversity, creativity, leadership and adaptability
Teaching Methods
Lectures 18 hours (Introductory lectures and guest lectures are mandatory) Work groups 9 hours (Mandatory) Self study 130 hours Examination 3 hoursMethod of Assessment
Individual assessment (60%) [Written Exam, Essay]Group work (40%) [Group Blog, Blog Presentation] Further details will be specified in the course guide upon start of the course. All parts need to be passed (grade 5.5 or higher)Literature
Information on selected reading materials will be made available onCanvasTarget Audience
This is an interdisciplinary course and is open to all disciplines/bachelor programs. Students from any discipline/program following the minor Global Health or other students with a background in health- or biomedical science or another relevant bachelor programme in the Beta sciences are welcomed.
Additional Information
Guest lecturers will be invited to discuss fieldwork and research.Recommended background knowledge
We recommend students to have been enrolled in the minor courses FutureChallenges in Global Health and Drivers for Change in Global Health.Language of Tuition
- English
Study type
- Master
- Bachelor