concluding this course, students should be able to: define and explain key concepts of relevance to the climate change governance and energy issue;understand the causes, impacts and effects of climate change and the key scientific controversies in the regime;identify, explain and analyze the various policy options for mitigation and adaptation at different levels of governance with a specific focus on energy related options;understand the key political challenges in the climate change regime, the common problems facing all countries, and the various and changing coalitions in the regime;explain the long-term objective, the principles, the commitments of countries and other key elements of the Climate Change Convention, including the Paris Agreement;to explain the role of energy in the climate change regime, and the various aspects of policy with respect to renewable energy transition;to analyze global energy policy taking into account questions of energy security, energy access and affordability as well as sustainability;to make a judgment about which principles, policy instruments and approaches are likely to be most efficient, equitable and/or effective in addressing the climate change problem, including energy policy.Global governance of human-induced climate change, including both mitigation and adaptation, is a hotly debated subject. Current (international and transnational) climate policy is the result of a complex and long-lasting negotiation process at multiple levels of governance. In this process, the science of the complex earth and climate system is closely linked to questions on the socio-economic effects of climate change, the options for global environmental governance as determined by the structure of international organizations, international economic and political relations and environmental law. Reaching the 1.5 degree temperature target of the 2015 Paris Agreement will require a fundamental transition of global energy systems. Therefore the course will investigate the relation between climate change and global energy policy. The relation between climate change and energy will also take the complexities of the energy trilemma (security, sustainability, equity) into account. The course includes:an overview of the science of climate change, its impacts (IPCC 6th Assessment Report; 1.5 degree special report) uncertainties, mitigation, adaptation;discussion of climate change policy options at multiple levels of governance, including the international climate change regime, national and European policies, and transnational approaches;analysis of the political challenges in climate change and the positions of different countries and actors;assessment of the economics of climate change including analyzing the flexible mechanisms (Emission trading, Clean Development Mechanisms) and options for Post Kyoto measures;analysis of interrelated energy challenges (energy trilemma);analysis of the challenges for a transition to renewable energy at various scales;the relation between global energy policy (including its geo-political aspects) and the climate change regime.Seminar/‘Werkcollege’ (s)Report (R), Simulation (Sim; pass/fail); Summary of COP (pass/fail) Weight of each graded component: 100 Compensation: is it possible to compensate one component with another? NO Mode of re-examination for the different components: re-sit for final paperSee Course manual on Canvasmaster studentsbasic knowledge of environmental policy and governance