Foundational Texts: Modern A


URL study guide

Course Objective

you gain insight into an important direction of modern philosophy, namely the conception of speculative idealism as developed by the German philosopher G.W.F. Hegel. The insight to be gained concerns both essential aspects of Hegel’s conception of philosophy and the peculiarity of this philosophy in comparison with other develop academic skills in philosophical reading, analyzing, evaluating, discussing, and presenting philosophical texts on the issue of speculative idealism and its peculiarity in comparison with other conceptions of philosophyyou develop the skill to write a short philosophical paper about a classical text and to defend it orally.

Course Content

The questions what philosophy is and how to acquire philosophical knowledge belong perhaps among the most fundamental question of philosophy. Kant's 'Copernican revolution' of philosophical thought was the beginning of a series of highly intriguing answers to those questions, a series of answers known as "German idealism. Hegel's conception of philosophy and its method is the most radical within German idealism. Unfortunately, his philosophy is also regarded by many as the most difficult in the history of philosophy. The Enzyklopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften not only offers a fascinating "Introduction" to Hegel's philosophy but also examines basic features of philosophies that were important in Hegel's time (metaphysics, empiricism, transcendental philosophy, and the philosophy of immediate knowing. These introductory texts of the Enzyklopädie aim to give the reader access to Hegel's own conception of philosophy as speculative idealism in general and, more specifically, Hegel's conception of a philosophical logic. Who wants to know what Hegel's speculative idealism entails cannot escape from studying the "Introduction" and the various "Positions of thought towards objectivity" from the Enzyklopädie. These texts constitute the content of the course. The wages of study will be sweet: very challenging and highly topical ideas about philosophy and the philosophical method. Hegel's idealism will be studied on the basis of the latest edition of his Enzyklopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften ("Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences").

Teaching Methods

We do close text reading. Student attention is obligatory. Who misses more than 1 meeting cannot complete the course as its objectives can be realized only via intensive interaction during the meetings

Method of Assessment

Protocol of one of the meetings final paper in the form of 4 statements on a prearranged theme oral defence of the paper (ca. 25 minutes) Grade: protocol: 30 %; final paper: 30%; oral defence: 40 %


Primary literature G.W.F. Hegel: Enzyklopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grundrisse (1830): Einleitung (§§ 1-18), Vorbegriff (§§ 19-83). The German text is our reference text. Two editions are advisable: Hegel, G. W. F., Werke in zwanzig Bänden, hrsg. v. E. Moldenauer/K. M. Michel, Frankfurt/M. 1986, Bd. 8 (Suhrkamp). Hegel, G. W. F., Enzyklopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grundrisse (1830), hrsg. v. F. Nicolin/O. Pöggeler, 8. Aufl., Hamburg 1991 (Meiner). The advantage of this edition is that in only contains Hegel’s text of the whole Enzyklopädie. This can be helpful, whereas the Suhrkamp edition offers the Enzyklopädie in three separate volumes. Thus I advise the Meiner edition. Of course it is allowed to use a translation. G.W.F. Hegel, Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences, Chapters: Introduction; Attitudes of Thought to Objectivity]. Oxford University Press. G. W. F. Hegel, The Encyclopaedia Logic. Part 1 of the Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical Sciences with the Zusätze, translated by T. F. Geraets, W. A. Suchting and H. S . Harris (Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing, 1991). (The relevant parts are also contained in: The Hegel Reader, ed. St. Houlgate, Blackwell Publishing) A rather recent translation of Part I: Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences in Basic Outline, Part I: Science of Logic, translated by Klaus Brinkmann, Daniel O. Dahlstrom (Cambridge University Press, 2010). Secondary literature Fulda, H. F., G. W. F. Hegel, München (2003). Jaeschke, W., Hegel-Handbuch. Leben – Werk – Schule, Stuttgart/Weimar (2003). Hegels enzyklopädisches System der Philosophie. Hrsg. von H. Chr. Lucas, B. Tuschling und U. Vogel. Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt, 2004. Hermann Drüe u. a. (Hrsg.), Hegels ‚Enzyklopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften‘ (1830). Ein Kommentar zum Systemgrundriß, Frankfurt/M. 2000. Heidemann/Ch. Krijnen [Hrsg.], Hegel und die Geschichte der Philosophie, Darmstadt 2007. Alfred Denker, Annette Sell und Holger Zaborowski (Hg.): G.W.F. Hegel: Der "Vorbegriff" zur Wissenschaft der Logik in der Enzyklopädie von 1830 (Freiburg im Breisgau 2010). Marina F. Bykova and Kenneth R. Westphal (ed.): The Palgrave Hegel Handbook (Cham 2020). Sebastian Stein / J. Wretzel (ed.), Hegel's Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences: A Critical Guide (Cambridge 2021)
Academic year1/09/2431/08/25
Course level6.00 EC

Language of Tuition

  • English

Study type

  • Master