URL study guide
https://studiegids.vu.nl/en/courses/2024-2025/T_2PDGENPAEDCourse Objective
Competences covered according to the General Educational Framework for Oral Health Care 2020, see Canvas Course The student has/is:• an understanding in clinical/dental implications of various medical paediatric conditions;
• In-depth knowledge concerning the aspects related to the provision of comprehensive dental care to severely medically, physically, mentally or socially compromised children and adolescents;
• In-depth knowledge concerning the aspects related to the provision of comprehensive dental care for hospitalized children and adolescents;
• In-depth knowledge concerning the multidisciplinary approach for the management of oral disease in medically, physically, mentally or socially compromised children and adolescents;
• Competent to prevent and manage oral disturbances in emotionally, physically or medically compromised children;
• Able to identify orofacial symptoms that might relate to other generalized pathology or syndromes;
• Able to recognize pitfalls in treating people with (mild) intellectual disabilities;
• Competent to make an overall assessment of the performance profile of patients with intellectual disabilities;
• In-depth knowledge of growth and development (both physically and psychologically) of the human body;
• In-depth knowledge of infections in the immuno-compromised host;
• In-depth knowledge of prophylaxis for bacterial endocarditis;
• In-depth knowledge of CDC recommendations on infection control;
• In-depth knowledge of in-patient care of children admitted to paediatric, child rehabilitation, child psychiatry departments;
• In-depth knowledge of principles of classification of syndromes in relation to aetiology, prognosis and reaction to dental related treatment;
• Knowledge of epidemiology, pathogenesis and management of diseases in children and adolescents;
• Able to identify biological age and determination of skeletal age, and stages of sexual development;
• Knowledge of genetic principles essential for comprehension of the development of the head and craniofacial malformations.
Course Content
On a daily basis, paediatric dentists are regularly confronted with children that need special attention in every way. Being a specialist, the paediatric dentist should be the contact person for parents/caregivers, general dental practitioners and medical specialists/ paediatric health care workers that are confronted with dental problems in medically compromised or otherwise special-care-needing children. Therefore, it is highly important that a paediatric dentist has a solid basic knowledge of general paediatrics. He or she should be capable to recognize disease and comorbidity, assess the medical-dental interactions and foresee impact of specific general health conditions or medicalization on dental status or treatment. Within the curriculum, the postgraduate students follow an intensive theoretical course in paediatrics and they will run an externship for a 2-month period, consisting of a weekly visit to various paediatric (poli)clinical department in a (children’s) hospital. The students will collaborate with the pediatricians in diagnosing the most frequently occurring child medical problems. Moreover, they are asked to pay special attention to the oral health status of the sick children. In this way, both disciplines (and the patient) take advantage of this collaboration. Furthermore, various course are focused on the behavioural, social and environmental aspects that often concern these special need children. For example, an intense course on autism spectrum disorders is provided where the students learn how to communicate and cope with these children and their parents.Teaching Methods
Lectures, seminars, self-studyMethod of Assessment
Learning assessment• Overall assessment of assignments during the seminars (grade: good /pass / fail)
• Presentation, video evaluation/assessment (grade: good / pass / fail)
• Final theoretical written exam at the end of the first year (open case-based questions multiple choice) (grade: 1-10) Grading A prerequisite for grade registration (grade 0-10) is successful completion of the seminar assignments. In case of a fail for the seminar assignment(s), and a pass for the final exam, a 5.0 will be registered and students will need to redo the relevant seminar assignment(s).
• Lissauer T, Clayden G. Illustrated textbook of Paediatrics. 5th edition 2017
• Hennekam R. Gorlin’s syndroms of the head and neck. 5th edition 2010
• Nederlandse Hartstichting. Preventie bacteriële endocarditis. 2008 (https://www.nvvc.nl/media/richtlijn/49/endocarditisprofylaxefolder%20ar
• vander Werf DBM, Faber-Nijholt R. Pijnbestrijding bij kinderen in de algemene pediatrie. Tijdschr.kinderg. 1993; 61: 44-48.
• Broers D. Mondzorg bij mensen met een beperking. Prelum, 2011
• Vermaire JH. Als mondzorg een puzzel is. Prelum, 2010
• Selected research papers
Target Audience
OHS Paediatric DentistryLanguage of Tuition
- English