URL study guide
https://studiegids.vu.nl/en/courses/2024-2025/AB_1025Course Objective
Genetics and public health are very much intertwined. With the discovery of the DNA structure in the 1950s, the field of genetics has developed rapidly and offers increasing opportunities for diagnosis, screening and treatment. With recent innovations in genome sequencing and gene editing, genetics receives much attention and publicity. In this course, the multidisciplinary field of genetics and public health will be introduced. Students will be challenged to discuss the implications of developments in genetics for healthcare, as well as for individuals, families and society. Students can:- explain that some disorders develop according to Mendelian principles of inheritance but that genetics plays a different role in many disorders that are important to public health;
- describe how and where in (public) healthcare genetics is used, and for which target populations;
- explain that tailored prevention and care based on gene variants could be of clinical benefit;
- demonstrate how knowledge of genetics/genomics can be translated into healthcare and public health, and what challenges can be expected for responsible implementation.
Course Content
Topics included:• (Beyond) Mendelian inheritance, population genetics, gene-environment interactions, epigenetics;
• Spectrum of genetic disorders and the relation to healthcare delivery (clinical genetics, genetic screening, preconception and prenatal care);
• Impact of a hereditary disease on individuals, families and society;
• Tension between public health and clinical genetics;
• Genetic risk, psychological and behavioral aspects of genetics;
• Ethical, legal, historical (eugenics) and social aspects of genetics;
• Challenges in the translation of science (new genetic knowledge) into public policy and healthcare;
• Criteria for (useful) genetic testing, genetic screening, and direct-to-consumer genetic testing;
• Challenges regarding whole genome sequencing;
• New possibilities in personalized medicine using pharmacogenomics;
• New developments regarding gene editing and (ethical) dilemma's.
Teaching Methods
• (Working) Lectures (30 hrs);
• Subgroup sessions; Discussions in small groups about topical themes with regard to public health and genetics (6 hrs), and oral presentations by students (6 hrs);
• Individual assignments and group assignment in which the students work together describing the translation of a particular genomics application into healthcare (self-/group study) involving preparation of presentation, report and peer review.
Method of Assessment
Written examination in English consisting of open and multiple choicequestions, based on the lectures and the provided literature (70%), awritten report (20%), and an oral presentation (10%).Examination, Report, and Presentation should all three be passed (grade5.5 or more).Students can only pass if they meet the presence requirements.Literature
A course reader will be available online; learning goals per lecture aswell as homework assignments will be explained here. Additionalliterature (articles) will be announced on Canvas shortly before the course starts.Target Audience
This is a course in the Health Sciences minor Biomedical Topics in Healthcare. Only students of VU Amsterdam can apply for the minor Biomedical Topics in Health Care. Students in Health and Life Sciences, Health Sciences, Biomedical Sciences, Medical Natural Sciences and Pharmaceutical Sciences can apply. Of the Health and Life Sciences students, only those with Major Sustainable Health and Care and Major Biomedical Sciences can apply.. We have a maximum of 65 students.Custom Course Registration
For admission, see minor Biomedical Topics in Healthcare [Dit vak is onderdeel van een minor en heeft een maximaal aantal deelnemers. Studenten die de hele minor doen, hebben voorrang]Additional Information
Course coördinator: prof. L. Henneman, Amsterdam UMC, Dept. of Human Genetics Course organisation: dr. T. Rigter, Amsterdam UMC, Dept. of Human Genetics Other teachers in this course are: prof. M.C. Cornel, dr. C.G. Van El, dr. K. van der Meij, Amsterdam UMC, Dept. of Human Genetics Among the guest lecturers of the Dept. of Human Genetics are: dr. Q. Waisfisz, N. Stringa, W. Geuverink, dr. P. Jansen, dr. P. HennemanRecommended background knowledge
Basic geneticsLanguage of Tuition
- English
Study type
- Bachelor