Global Organizational Change


URL study guide

Course Objective

This course aims to deepen students’ comprehension of concepts within the realm of global organizational change and managerial strategies. Students will develop the capacity to address complex business challenges and managerial dilemmas with an evidence-based and systematic approach. Upon completion of this course, students should: (1) Develop a thorough understanding of relevant theory and methodologies essential for navigating global organizational change: Students will showcase mastery in theories related to change on a global scale, focusing on prominent managerial dilemmas and systematic strategies for resolution. By applying these theories, students will design substantiated solutions to complex practical problems and innovate through the formulation of ideas grounded in appropriate change theories. (2) Develop professional and interpersonal skills crucial for effective interaction with peers and professionals: Students will demonstrate effective communication skills, both orally and in writing, tailored to various audiences, effectively conveying their knowledge of theory and problem-solving solutions related to change.

Course Content

This course is structured around the management of global organizational change, with a strong emphasis on practical, hands-on learning experiences. A central component of the course involves a group project where students collaborate to address real-world challenges in managing organizational change on a global scale. Through activities such as case studies, students will develop strategies for optimizing global structures, improving processes, and adapting to emerging trends.

Teaching Methods

Lectures, guest lectures, tutorials.

Method of Assessment

Team project and assignments


A selection of papers (practioner oriented and academic), Course slides

Target Audience

َThe course provides unique content that is appropriate for all BusinessAdministration students with an interest in digital transformation, butthere is a particular focus on global organizations that makes itessential for IM and Strategy students.
Academic year1/09/2431/08/25
Course level6.00 EC

Language of Tuition

  • English

Study type

  • Master