URL study guide
https://studiegids.vu.nl/en/courses/2024-2025/L_ZABAMKD207Course Objective
At the end of this course, students are expected to: 1. Have acquired knowledge about important developments in the history of graphic design; 2. Have acquired knowledge of theories and methods for analyzing graphic design; 3. Practice applying relevant theories and methods in analysing graphic design artefacts.Course Content
This course provides an overview of the history of graphic design, with an emphasis on modern and postmodern design. It also takes into account key theories and methods of analyzing graphic design and its relationships with wider cultural, social, technological and economic contexts. The course explores the print revolution, arts and crafts movements, developments in typography, European modernism and global modernities, countercultural design forms, and graphic design in new media.Teaching Methods
Lectures, workshops, and tutorials. The lectures and seminars of this course are offered in English only and assignments should be submitted in English. In principle, students following the Dutch (i.e. bilingual) track can submit all written assignments in either English or Dutch. If you intend to submit assignments in Dutch for this course please discuss this with the course co-ordinator first.Method of Assessment
This course comprises a presentation on a visual and historical analysis of a graphic design artefact (in pairs, 20%), and a written assignment on the visual and historical analysis of a graphic design artefact (in pairs, 80%). Connection between learning objectives and assessment: Learning objective 1: presentation, written assignment Learning objective 2: presentation, written assignment Learning objective 3: presentation, written assignmentLiterature
A list of mandatory class literature will be published on Canvas and/or the Study Manual.Target Audience
This course is compulsory for all BA MKDA students in their second year who chose Design as their specialization. It is open as an elective to other MKDA students.Additional Information
For attendance rules, see Teaching and Examination Regulations. Students should be aware that regular attendance is necessary to pass the course.Entry Requirements
See the Onderwijs- en Examenregeling (OER), c.q. Teaching and ExamRegulations (TER) for MKDA.
Language of Tuition
- English
Study type
- Bachelor