URL study guide


Course Objective

Students will learn to: Describe fundamental principles of user experience and human factors (Knowledge and understanding)Describe fundamental input and output techniques for human-computer interaction (Knowledge and understanding)Gather requirements for designing interactive systems (Applying knowledge and understanding)Apply prototyping methods for interactive systems (Applying knowledge and understanding)Evaluate interactive systems (Making judgements)Validate empirical evaluations of interactive systems (Making judgements, Applying knowledge and understanding)Communicate design solutions and evaluations on an academic level (Communication)Work in teams to achieve a common goal (Communication) (Lifelong learning skills)

Course Content

The lectures in this course will discuss and present examples of concepts and methods in the field of human-computer interaction. It will cover in detail all steps in the human-centered design lifecycle; We will discuss methods for requirement analysis, designing, and building prototypes of interactive systems, and evaluating them. In practical sessions, students will practice the use of relevant methods within the context. Some of the topics covered in the course are: User Needs Analysis, Conceptual Design, Mockups, and Prototypes, Usability, Evaluation of Prototypes and technology for interactive systems.

Teaching Methods

Lectures, practical sessions.

Method of Assessment

The final grade is determined by the partial grades of the following deliverables:
- course assignments (group and possibly individual);
- exam (individual). The final grade will be calculated based on the assignment grades and the exam grade (FINAL GRADE = 0.6 ASSIGNMENTS + 0.4 EXAM). To pass the course, students need to complete all assignments and pass both parts (Grade >= 5.5).


Recommended : MacKenzie, I. S. (2012). Human-computer interaction. Elsevier Science. ISBN: 9780124058651. Available for free online from the VU Library for registered VU students (https://vu.on.worldcat.org/oclc/875263048)

Target Audience

Bachelor Computer Science (year 2)

Recommended background knowledge

Basic programming skills, basics statistics, data collection.

Explanation Canvas

All details of the course will be published on the Canvas page.
Academic year1/09/2431/08/25
Course level6.00 EC

Language of Tuition

  • English

Study type

  • Bachelor