URL study guide
https://studiegids.vu.nl/en/courses/2024-2025/E_EBE3_IOCourse Objective
This course will not be lectured anymore. One extra exam will be offered to students that participated in the course last year, but not succeeded. If you need to pass this course, you have to subscribe for it. Take a look at rooster.vu.nl for the exact exam date. Consult the study guide 2022-2023 for the course description (incl. literature).Course Content
See study guide 22-23Teaching Methods
n/aMethod of Assessment
Sweep exam, see Canvas or contact lecturer.Literature
- Church, J. and Ware, R. (2000), “Industrial Organization: A Strategic Approach,” McGraw Hill (see https://works.bepress.com/jeffrey_church/23/).
- Articles made available on Canvas.
Entry Requirements
Microeconomics I Familiarity with concepts / topics discussed in chapters 2-8 of Goolsbee, A., S. Levitt and C. Syverson (2013): Microeconomics. New York: MacMillan/Worth Publishers. Students also should be familiar with main analytical tools used in microeconomics such as calculus, optimization, and integration.Recommended background knowledge
Microeconomics II, QRM-III (multiple linear regression models with dummy variables).Language of Tuition
- English