URL study guide


Course Objective

Academic and Research Skills: Students are capable of:
• Translating practically relevant problems into (academically) relevant research questions and designing and executing a project using a systematic, analytical approach in a real business environment. Knowledge of Theory + Methods and Solving Complex Problems Students are capable of:
• Applying theoretical knowledge in a specific organizational context and knowing how to formulate relevant recommendations for practice based on the knowledge acquired. Professional Social Skills: Handling the roles and needs of different types of stakeholders that need to be interacted with in a professional work environment.

Course Content

Students in the MSc Business Administration programmes SHRM, IM, LCM, MC and S&O have the opportunity to do a credited internship (as capita selecta) during their master studies. We distinguish three types of internships students can opt for to receive 6 ECs: 1. Work experience internship 2. Research internship 3. Thesis extension internship 1. Work experience internship: This internship allows students to work alongside employees in order to gain practical experience and get a taste of how it is to work at a professional organization (broadly understood, e.g. business firm, government, non-governmental organization); if unclear (e.g., hospital, restaurant, school), students have to consult with their internship coordinator for eligibility before starting the internship. 2. Research internship: This internship allows students to address a specific business/management problem with the aim to produce a research report as a product of the internship. Research internships typically take a practice-oriented and solution-driven perspective (e.g., writing up a case/research report, policy briefing, advice or consulting project). Research internships can be combined with the master thesis in terms of topic and focus (e.g., gathering data during the internship and then using that data for both the thesis and the report). Students can also collaborate with a company and/or ongoing applied research projects and apply scientific concepts to solve a problem in practice. A research internship can also take place at a SBE department (e.g., Management & Organization) where students collaborate with a faculty member and for instance use previously collected data or work with an existing questionnaire or other method of data collection. 3. Thesis extension internship: For students with high ambitions regarding their thesis and who aim at publishable results, the CS internship offers the option of expanding your research efforts.

Teaching Methods

Individual supervision

Method of Assessment

Details for internships of any type are to be discussed with the specialization thesis coordinator BEFORE the start of the internship. More details can be found in the VU-SBE internship policy available on Canvas. For any type of internship students must attain a 6.0 or higher to advance to graduation. It is only possible to start a credited internship in period 5 (April 2 onwards). Internships that start before period 5 do not qualify for credits.

Custom Course Registration

Please see M&O VU-SBE internship policy for further details.

Entry Requirements

Please see M&O VU-SBE internship policy for further details.
Academic year1/09/2431/08/25
Course level6.00 EC

Language of Tuition

  • English

Study type

  • Master