Internship: Researching and Facilitating Dialogue


URL study guide

Course Objective

After completing this course, you will be able to:Demonstrate your knowledge of methods for designing, facilitating, monitoring, and evaluating a dialogue-based interventionDemonstrate how conversation-analytic research can be used to identify and help solve bottlenecks in dialogue practicesApply your insights in practice in close collaboration with partners of health organisationsCritically evaluate the merits of dialogue and interaction theories for creating and facilitating dialogueDemonstrate your understanding and knowledge of conversation-analytic (CA) research methodsParticipate in data sessions and know how to analyse your own dataWrite a research proposal for your MA thesis

Course Content

This course consists of 12 credits and runs from January to the end of May. In period 3 (January), you have three meetings where we talk about your first steps in the internship organisation. You become familiar with literature on dialogue-based interventions based on conversation-analytic studies. At the end of period 3, students will have their internship proposal ready. It attends to questions like: What problem in your organisation do you want to focus on? What is your internship (research) question? How does your data corpus relate to this problem? What other activities will you focus on at your internship organisation? In period 4 (February-March), you will learn about CA methods, data collection and ethical procedures, and write a thesis proposal. You will also continue with a one-day-a-week internship at the organisation. In period 5 (April-May), you will receive CA-based training (and learn how to train other participants yourself) and a guest lecture on conducting dialogue. You spend a total of 20 days (2nd week January-end May) on your internship with the organisation, 28 hours of which count towards preparing and giving the dialogue workshop, which you give to the internship organisation. The internship report is a 5-page reflection report on your internship experience.

Teaching Methods

Seminars, dialogue training, internship at the organisation supervised by mentor at the internship organisation.

Method of Assessment

Active and mandatory participation in seminars and dialogue training sessionInternship proposalThesis proposalInternship report


will be provided during the course and can be accessed through the VU library.

Target Audience

Exclusively for master students of Dialogue, Health and Society.

Entry Requirements

Exclusively for master students of Dialogue, Health and Society.
Academic year1/09/2431/08/25
Course level12.00 EC

Language of Tuition

  • English

Study type

  • Master