main goal of the course is to teach students how to apply basic image processing tools on medical images using MATLAB®. The student will be able to write efficient MATLAB® applications to addresses and solve a range of clinical research questions.Image analysis methods play an increasingly important role in medical science and clinical patient care. This course discusses the most important image analysis techniques and explains how they can be applied. These include image histogram analysis, neighbourhood processing, image fusion, and morphological operations. Rationales for using these techniques are illustrated with examples from several imaging modalities and clinical fields. The student then learns how to apply these techniques practically using MATLAB®. The final mark is the average of the mark obtained at the written examination and the mark obtained at the final practical assignment. Note: This is exactly the same course as X_422612 (Image Processing for MNS)lectures and practicals.50% written examination, 50% assignment practical work. Both should be sufficient to pass the exam.McAndrew, A. Introduction to Digital Image Processing with MATLAB®. (ISBN 0-534-40011-6). This book will be made available through the lecturers at a price of around 15 euros.Two years of studies in Medical Natural Sciences, Physics, Mathematics, or Movement Sciences.