Land Use Change and Ecosystems


URL study guide

Course Objective

To achieve a high level of understanding of global change processes related to terrestrial ecosystems and human land use. Objectives of this course include: -being able to conceptualize the role of land use both as driver and as impact of global environmental change; -achieve understanding of human-environment interactions and feedbacks between ecological, physical and social (including economic) processes; -become familiar with research methods to study land use change and ecosystem dynamics, including the analysis of driving factors, the simulation of land use dynamics, biodiversity impacts and the assessment of human-environment interactions through global value chains; -becoming able to match interdisciplinary research questions with appropriate scientific tools, simulation models and other methods; -understand potential options and policies for sustainable land use.

Course Content

Land use is key to sustainability. Achieving sufficient food, mitigating climate change and conserving biodiversity all require land, so competing claims on land emerge. In the first part students will be trained in understanding the extent, the driving factors and the impacts of land use change. We combine global and local perspectives in studying land use changes and impacts of such changes on ecosystems. In the second part of the course the students will be presented with a portfolio of research methods, theoretical models and simulation models to analyze dynamics of land use. Practicals and computer exercises will provide a hands-on experience with these methods. Methods and models discussed will originate from different disciplines and include econometric models, spatial land use models, and participatory approaches. During practicals and assignments students will match research questions with appropriate (combinations) of methods. In the third part of the course transitions to sustainable land use will be discussed and the different pathways to achieving sustainable land use are introduced.Both global perspectives, governance aspects as well as implementation at the local level (i.e. sustainable intensification of agriculture) will be discussed.

Teaching Methods

Lectures, Practical (computer) exercises. Self-study, including literature study, group and individual assignments.

Method of Assessment

Written exam (40%) and practical and assignment results (60%).


Selected articles and practical instructions will be made available onCanvas.

Target Audience

-Master students with an interest in sustainable development and interdisciplinary science (with some background on quantitative analysis and preferably GIS). -First year students of MSc Earth Sciences, specialization Global Environmental Change and Policy who meet the above entry requirements. -Students of the MSc Econometrics, track Climate Econometrics

Recommended background knowledge

Basic knowledge of GIS is recommended.Those that are not having introductory experience with GIS are requested to do an online tutorial in advance of the course (costing a bit of extra time)
Academic year1/09/2431/08/25
Course level6.00 EC

Language of Tuition

  • English

Study type

  • Master