Large Research Project Computer Science


URL study guide

Course Objective

The objectives of the course are: Applying Knowledge and Understanding: After completing the Research Project Computer Science, the student will be able to execute a small computer science project in the context of ongoing research. Making judgements: The student will be able to evaluate their own approach and results w.r.t. novelty and efficacy. Communication: The student will be able to communicate their results and findings in a scientific report. Lifelong learning skills: The student will be trained in applying their existing knowledge and skills in the context of ongoing research.

Course Content

The aim of the Large Research Project Computer Science is to give very motivated students the opportunity to work on a challenging, research-oriented project, with a strong focus on serious computer science conceptual and/or practical work. The content of the project is to be negotiated individually with a VU or UvA Computer Science lecturer, who will supervise and grade it. This must be done before the project starts. In principle, only a few students (the ones that submit a convincing project proposal) will be allowed to take this course. The project can be carried out as a ‘duo project’, in which case the proposal should indicate the individual contribution of each of the two students. The project is supposed to apply state-of-the-art concepts, methodologies and/or technology and requires an original contribution by the student/s. It must be challenging, and allow a clear assessment of the student's own contribution. At the end of the project, the student submits a written report to the lecturer, describing the work, the lessons learned, and the insights gained from applying study contents in a research-oriented computer science project. The report contains a description of the project, including the problem description, the student’s solution, and an evaluation of the results. The report also contains a reflection on the novelty of the achieved research results, a comparison with related work, and what the student has learned during the project. In the case of a duo project, the report should clearly explain the individual contribution of each student so as to personalise their contribution to the relevant parts.

Teaching Methods

Guided project work.

Method of Assessment

The overall grade is based on two components: research work (70%) and the quality of the written report (30%). Each component must be passed with a grade >= 5.5. The final grade is the weighted average of the components’ grades. The report will be evaluated by the supervisor and by a second reader. For grading, there is a special evaluation form on Canvas.


To be distributed individually, by the project advisors.

Target Audience

MSc Computer Science

Custom Course Registration

For being accepted, students must contact their prospective advisor directly.

Additional Information

The Research Project Computer Science and the Large Research Project Computer Science are identical, except for the size of the student project. Students can follow either one, or both.

Recommended background knowledge

The student should have completed at least 42 credits of their Master programme, so that there is sufficient study content to be applied in the project.
Academic year1/09/2431/08/25
Course level12.00 EC

Language of Tuition

  • English

Study type

  • Master