URL study guide


Course Objective

After taking this course, the students will be able to:
- Design a sound desk research based on scientific literature and identify the relevant literature related to the target research; or perform an in-depth study of a selected set of literature sources (Knowledge and Understanding; Applying Knowledge and Understanding; Making judgements; Communication).
- Criticize, analyze, and discuss scientific literature (Applying Knowledge and Understanding; Making judgements; Communication; Learning Skills).
- Reflect on the in-depth knowledge gained during the course on the selected literature study topic (Making judgements; Communication; Learning Skills).

Course Content

The course consists of carrying out a literature study on a topic chosen in agreement with the selected tutor. The ‘theoretical preparation’ of the course consists of studying the provided material on literature study design, where the student learns how to go from a research question to a well-structured analysis of the literature. This step can be carried out by translating the research question into a sound search query, identifying adequate online literature search engines, and performing a motivated selection of the literature for further analysis; or alternatively by selecting, together with the tutor, a set of relevant literature and performing an in-depth study. The actual literature study starts with the 'exploration phase' in which the student must identify a topic of interest or a course particularly appreciated. He or she will then contact the person in charge of the identified research area/course and discuss with him/her the possibility of carrying out a literature study under his/her supervision. In general, the literature study will be either predominantly broad, leading to a literature survey on the selected theme, or deep, carving out the intricacies of a specific topic. The outcome of the literature study is a final report, which must include: the study design; an overview of selected literature; an analysis of the literature; a discussion, and conclusions. At the end of this phase, the student gives one final presentation to the research group of the tutor. This presentation includes research questions, study design, study execution, and discussion of the analysis.

Teaching Methods

Individual assignment. Regular progress meetings with the tutor. The course entails 1 kick-off live lecture of the course coordinator, which. provides the overview of the course and addresses questions from the students. This lecture is typically provided once at the beginning of the academic year.

Method of Assessment

Final report (V). Final presentation (pre). The grading criteria are:
- quality of study design (if applicable);
- the rationale for literature selection (if applicable);
- quality of results (scientific quality of the analysis, discussion of the findings, reflection in the drawn conclusions, clear answer to main research question);
- quality of writing (style, clarity, organization);
- correctness and completeness of references and citations;
- final presentation to the research group where he/she carries out the literature study (narrative style, balance between focus and coverage of contents, answering questions). Each grading criterion, if applicable, is evaluated on the scale Excellent-Very_Good-Good-Satisfactory-Sufficient-Insufficient. The final grade is calculated as the average of all criteria.


The introductory material on literature study design is on Canvas.

Target Audience

MSc Computer Science

Custom Course Registration

Depending on their study plans, each student may schedule the courseflexibly. It is, however, recommended in the second year of studies.

Additional Information

The student should look for a tutor in the area he or she would like to carry out the literature study. See online material (Course reading) for further information. Tutors can be chosen among the staff members of the VU CS Department and the UvA Informatics Institute. External tutors, e.g., experts in a specific field, are allowed/encouraged, in which case a VU or UvA internal tutor should be formally involved for registering the final grade.

Explanation Canvas

FAQ are answered via Canvas. Potential tutors may propose online (on Canvas) topics for prospective students (if applicable). It is advised to have the same tutor for the literature study course and the master project (if applicable): this allows the student to use the literature study to get acquainted with the topic of their thesis; however, the content of the literature study report, naturally, cannot be part of the thesis report.
Academic year1/09/2431/08/25
Course level6.00 EC

Language of Tuition

  • English

Study type

  • Master