URL study guide
https://studiegids.vu.nl/en/courses/2024-2025/X_400459Course Objective
The Master Project Business Analytics is the graduation project for the Master Business Analytics or the Dual Master Business Analytics. As the graduation project this course builds on and integrates previous courses on Business Analytics. Students show that they are capable of independent research at an academic level (typically applied in a practical context) on a specific topic in the field of Business Analytics under supervision of one of the staff members of the Faculty of Science. Furthermore, students write an academic report to present the applied scientific methods and the obtained results. Also, students give an oral presentation that is tailored to the audience. As such, the skills described below should be demonstrated during the Master Project Business Analytics. Academic (research) skills:• Students formulate a research question.
• Students study relevant literature.
• Students either develop or select algorithms to generate an accurate model based on data related to the problem or develops a (mathematical) model of the problem.
• Students analyze the model using skills and techniques acquired during the master’s program Business Analytics, and shows that they are able to connect theories, models, and concepts with and within the research topic.
• Students answer the research question using analytical and numerical methods.
• Students are capable of independent and critical reflection on their own and on other relevant work.
• Students are able to write a report that clearly describes the research question, the motivation for this research, the relevant literature, the used methodology, the results, conclusions and recommendations.
• Students are able to give a clear presentation about the research question, the motivation for this research, the used methodology, the results, conclusions and recommendations.
• Students are able to collect data for validating and / or fitting the model, and implement and verify computer programs. Field of work:
• Students take responsibility for their own actions.
• Students show that they are capable of making well-founded decisions and can support these choices.
• Students show an appropriate work attitude during the master project, e.g. independence, initiative, enthusiasm, punctuality.
• Students produce the required products and/or reports according to the schedule.
• Students gain an understanding of the way in which the organization functions.
• Students practice and display social and communication skills.
• Students explore potential career options.
• Students maintain and strengthens contacts between the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the host organization.
Course Content
The Master program in Business Analytics is concluded with the external Master Project Business Analytics. This project differs from all other parts of the study program as students carry out a full-time research project for six months at an external organization. The project must scientifically be state of the art and must also have clear educational value. Students will work on a predefined project and are required to create the required products within the stated period. The internship proposal must be approved in advance by the Internship Board and first supervisor.Teaching Methods
Students are an intern of the host organization for at least six months on a full-time basis. Students will be supervised by one staff member of the Faculty of Science and a supervisor from the host company. A second reviewer of the Faculty of Science will need to approve the plan of action, and will assess the final thesis. Students also take part in the Back to the VU Event every other month (in total 3 x 3,5 hours lecture). The final time students give a short presentation about their own master project. Attendance is mandatory.Method of Assessment
The assessment method consists of a written report (55%), an oral presentation at the host company (10%), and the execution and attitude (35%). The internship report, which is also the student's formal thesis, is a written report about all relevant aspects, including the final product and all relevant scientific background and motivation. The internship will be concluded with a formal oral presentation, usually at the host organization's premises. Students have to submit the written report and give the presentation no later than the finishing date of the internship. After consultation with all supervisors involved, students may submit the report and/or give the presentation within two months after completion of the internship. After those two months students must have an adequate grade (6 to 10), otherwise the internship will be counted as not accomplished. The thesis and final presentation are the only parts of the assessment that can be improved when initially graded as insufficient.Literature
Assigned individually.Target Audience
mBA, mBA-DCustom Course Registration
Students have to register themselves for the Master Project Business Analytics via the registration module on vu.nl.Entry Requirements
Before starting an internship and/or graduation project, students must have earned the credits of XM_0054 Research Seminar Business Analytics and all other programme credits except a shortfall of 6EC is permissible. If students wish to start on the internship and/or graduation project in January (2025), an additional shortfall of 6EC is permissible provided it is the credits of a course students have followed in period 2 or period 1 and 2 (of 2024-2025), have taken part in the examination and are expecting the result to be announced in January (2025). To have the above requirement checked, students must contact the master coordinator before the start of the graduation internship with the list of marks attached. Students are required to read the Course Manual which is available on the Master Project Business Analytics Canvas website and to take the required steps mentioned in the Course Manual.Explanation Canvas
If students are planning to start their Master Project Business Analytics within four months and they cannot register for the Master Project because they do not meet the requirements yet, please contact Annemieke van Goor ([email protected]) so she can give access to the Master Project Business Analytics Canvas website. Here students can find all the information they need about the Master Project Business Analytics.Language of Tuition
- English
Study type
- Master