Master Research Project MPS


URL study guide

Course Objective

The objective of the Master Research Project is to gain insight into the various components of the research process, as well as the cohesion between the various components. You learn how to phrase a research question, formulate a hypothesis, prepare and perform experiments, analyze data, interpret results (theory development) and write reports. You are then able (under supervision) to apply your insights when preparing, performing, reflecting, and reporting on your research while taking into account the societal, scientific and ethical impact of your findings. These objectives are mainly concerned with the technical aspects of scientific research. However, during the Master Research Project, you can immerse yourself in a subject that interests you and have valuable personal experiences. You will experience that working with others is an interesting and often educational experience but also that things can go wrong and how you react to such setbacks. To optimize your personal growth while doing your project, you will reflect on your personal interests, qualities and learning trajectory from start to finish using small focus groups.

Course Content

The Master Research Project is an obligatory part of the master Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Sciences. The main parts of a Master Research Project are:
• An (extensive) read-up period of scientific literature
• Reflect on societal, scientific and ethical impact of the research topic
• Writing a research proposal
• Assistance with the application for approval of the Ethics Committee (when applicable)
• Practice with measurement settings or instruments, and pilot experiments
• Making a feasible plan for the research
• Collecting data
• Data processing
• Data analyses/statistics
• Interpretation of the results
• Write-up and presentation of results
• Reflect on one’s personal interests, qualities and learning trajectories Notes:
• Due to covid-19, it is allowed to use existing data or derive data from the literature (i.e., meta-analysis).
• At the end of your project you have to hand in all electronic data, paper-based data, etc. (see contract for details) to your supervisor. Your grade with not be valid as long as you do not fulfil this requirement.

Teaching Methods

The student has to take responsibility for the Master Research Project. During the implementation of the Master Research Project the student is entitled to approximately 25 hours of supervision time. It is important to agree beforehand with the supervisor about when you will hand in your drafts and when these will be discussed. This is arranged in a contract. Obviously, these agreements are mutual: both parties are expected to adhere to the planning. By preparing a good plan with the supervisor and by writing down agreements in a contract, planning problems can be prevented. In addition, it is an obligatory part of the Master Research Project to attend (weekly) seminars in which students present their results of their Master Research Projects. See the course manual for more details.

Method of Assessment

The Master Research Project is assessed by the first supervisor, who is an academic staff member of the department of Human Movement Sciences. The final report is also assessed by a second assessor, who also is an academic staff member of the department of Human Movement Sciences. The final mark consists of three must pass components and can only be received if the student meets two other must pass components. The three must pass components of the final mark are: 1. Research process including the reflection product (40%) 2. Final research report (50%) 3. Oral presentation (10%) The two other must pass components are: 1. An approved research proposal. At the start of the project, the student writes a research proposal. This document has to be approved by the supervisor. 2. Attendance of at least 12 seminars or Capita Selecta. During the academic year seminars are organized at the department of Human Movement Sciences at which students present the results of their Master Research Project. Also, several Capita Selecta will be organized in which experts in the field of physiotherapy research will give a presentation about their work. Attendance at these meetings is compulsory to receive a grade for the Master Research Project. Students have to attend at least 12 meetings.

Target Audience

Student in the Master Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Sciences

Entry Requirements

Master students Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Sciences are required tohave obtained at least 12 EC from previous master courses of the masterprogram Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Sciences before being allowed to start the master research project.
Academic year1/09/2431/08/25
Course level24.00 EC

Language of Tuition

  • English

Study type

  • Master