course aims at offering the students an outlook on different aspects of the bachelor programme Communication and Information Studies. More specifically, international and Dutch students get acquainted with one another, reflect on their study skills, learn more about career opportunities and job application skills, get informed about choices in the study programme, stays abroad and internships, participate in mentor meetings.The Orientation Module consists of weekly meetings. There will be six meetings in both period 4 and 5. In every period, meetings in mentor groups will be held, information about the bachelor programme will be provided, guest lectures will be given, as well as workshops in job application or study skills. Also, events outside the University campus may be organized.Lectures, seminars, mentor meetings, guest lectures, excursions, practical assignments. One meeting per week (2 hours) during the first six weeks of both period 4 and 5.Active participation in the course, with mandatory attendance at themeetings. No grades will be given except a definitive pass/fail.1st year students of the BA program Communication and InformationStudies (CIS).Mandatory attendance in this course means that that students may miss only one meeting per period. If a student is absent more often, they will have to do a resit in the form of a comprehensive assignment.