Course Objective

• PhD Candidates know the central ethical principles underlying responsible conduct of research, particularly when human subjects are involved
• Candidates know the legal rules as well as the ethical codes of the VSNU, their professional organizations (e.g. NIP/NVO) and the Faculty
• Candidates are able to evaluate research (plans) by means of the ethical principles
• Candidates are able to detect and reflect on ethical dilemmas in empirical research
• Candidates are able to work relatively autonomously from their supervisor and are able to stand up for themselves in a respectful manner
• Candidates’ disposition to follow the ethical principles in their own research has been strengthened
• Candidates’ motivation to be responsible researchers and research with integrity has been strengthened

Course Content

The course begins with a general introduction into ethical theories and the field of research ethics. Ethical theories propose different ways of evaluating ethical problems, foreground different (interpretations of) ethical principles and their importance, and suggest different ways of dealing with conflicts between ethical principles. The theories are elucidated by means of ethical problems and dilemma’s encountered in empirical research.

The content of the second, third, and fourth meeting will depend in part on the nature of the ethical issues you as participants in the course encounter in your fields of research. But topics that will certainly be covered include the principle of informed consent, the arguments for and against disguised observation or incomplete disclosure of the purpose of the study, the challenges of empirical research with special groups (children, people with psychiatric disorders, people with disabilities, etc). Attention will also be paid to legal rules, ethical codes of conduct, the role of the ethical review board, and the relation between ethical codes and the moral and intellectual virtues (or integrity) of the researcher.

Teaching Methods


Method of Assessment


Target Audience

PhD students in the Behavioural and Movement Sciences; also open to other PhD students and Research Master students
Academic year9/04/2418/04/24
Course level3.00 EC

Language of Tuition

  • English