Political Communication for Impact


URL study guide


Course Objective

Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
• interpret a problem experienced by an external stakeholder within the domain of political or public communication using communication science theories;
• conduct an empirical, practice-based, scientific research project, aimed at finding solutions to the stakeholder's problem within the domain of political or public communication;
• provide advice to the stakeholder on their problem, based on the research results, so that the goal of the stakeholder can be (better) realized;
• present research results and advice both orally and in writing for both scientific and non-scientific audiences.
• gain awareness of the role of the communication scientist in understanding solving societal problems related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Course Content

In this course, students will work in small groups to conduct, report, and present a practice-based scientific research project for an external social stakeholder within the field of political or public communication. Students work with considerable independence, but under the supervision of lecturers, on a research project to be completed with a research and advisory report and a presentation. Prerequisites for the research are that: a) it answers a question with social or organizational relevance to stakeholders within the domain of political or public communication; b) the stakeholder for which the research is conducted actively works towards achieving one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); c) it has a (quantitative) empirical component; and d) the final product is presented to the stakeholder and to a scientific audience. Students are thus invited to use their acquired scientific knowledge and skills in the field of political and public communication to contribute possible solutions to a problem or issue faced by an external societal stakeholder related to the SDGs.

Teaching Methods

Lectures, videos/online tutorials, meetings with team, and supervisory meetings

Method of Assessment

Participation; research and advisory report, and short assignments.


Buunk, A. P., Dijkstra, P., & Van Vugt, M. (2021). Applying social psychology: From problems to solutions. Sage. ISBN 9781529732016. Scientific articles (dependent upon research project)

Target Audience

Master students Communication Science, specialization Political Communication, Digital Media & Public Opinion.

Custom Course Registration

In this course, you cannot enroll for one of the study groups yourself, but you will form teams within your specialization after the start of the course. Please note: You do have to register for the course and the other course components on VU.nl.
Academic year1/09/2431/08/25
Course level6.00 EC

Language of Tuition

  • Bilingual

Study type

  • Master