URL study guide


Course Objective

The aim of the course Project Situated AI is to let students apply the different concepts that have been taught in the courses during period 1 and period 2 of the minor in a semi-realistic application (Applying knowledge and insight). Students will learn to make decisions about suitability of different techniques for specific scenarios (Judgement). Students will learn to integrate different techniques into a demonstrator and to explain the working and rationale behind the demonstrator both orally as in written form (Communication).

Course Content

This course concludes the minor Situated AI. It is a full-time, 4 weeks course, in which students will work in groups on several practical assignments related to the other courses of the minor. One week will be devoted to building a robot application, another to the implementation of a conversational AI system, another week to the implementation of a reinforcement algorithm, and one to the application of logical reasoning. The different components will be combined in one application scenario, for which the students will build an demonstrator. Students will write a report about their demo and the choices made.

Teaching Methods

Workshops, tutorials, project work.

Method of Assessment

Each of the weekly assignments will be graded. In addition, the final demonstration together with the accompanying report will be graded. All components count for 20% of the final grade. The individual contribution to the project will be assessed via an interview. The individual contribution to the project will be assessed via an interview. In case that unequal contribution to the group project becomes apparent, an individual grade can be adapted. There is no option for a resit of the assignments.

Target Audience

Bachelor students Artificial Intelligence registered for the minor Situated AI.

Recommended background knowledge

This course can only be followed if all other courses of the minor Situated AI have been followed as well.
Academic year1/09/2431/08/25
Course level6.00 EC

Language of Tuition

  • English

Study type

  • Bachelor