thesis should show that the student possesses knowledge of and insight into his or her specific area of study within the field of Classics and Ancient Civilizations, as well as the necessary skills to perform original research, using primary sources, according to academic standards. The student should show how his or her specific subject relates to the broader cultural or social context. The student should also demonstrate theoretical and methodological insight in the field and the ability to apply these insights independently, developing his or her own perspective on the material studied. A Research Master’s thesis should present innovative, critical, and, wherever possible, interdisciplinary research. If a disciplinary approach is chosen, it is important to show that one is able to relate one’s approach to other approaches and methods and that one has the capability to show the relevance of the subject and approach to the field as a whole.The subject and content of the thesis are defined in consultation with the supervisor. The student is required to contact one of the staff members whose field of research best fits the type of research to be carried out. An independent second reader will be approached afterwards. For more details on the process and the requirements, please consult the Research Master’s Thesis Guide on the Canvas Community for ACASA Master's students. .In a series of one-to-one sessions, the supervisor gives feedback to the student. As a first step, the student defines his or her research topic. When this is approved of by one of the staff members, a thesis contract will be drawn up, listing the topic, the research question, as well as the supervisor and second reader. It will also set the time frame and the number of supervision meetings. This contract should be submitted to one of the coordinators of the Research Master’s programme, Dr Luuk Huitink or Prof. Bas ter Haar Romeny, no later than at the end of the second period of the second year of one’s programme.The thesis will be assessed by two staff members, who will mark the thesis independently: the supervisor and the second reader. Important criteria are originality, argumentation, style of writing, adequate references to source material and secondary literature, and—if relevant—the use of illustrations. For more details, please see the Research Master’s Thesis Guide on the Canvas Community for ACASA Master's students.To be discussed with the thesis supervisor.Research Master’s students.It is best to start thinking about one’s thesis in the first semester of the first year, in consultation with one’s mentor. The mentor may act as supervisor, but it is also possible to select another staff member. Additional support is given in the Research Design classes.Bachelor degree (cf. admission rules).The final text of the thesis should be submitted through the Canvas site for the Research Master’s Thesis Classics and Ancient Civilizations.