URL study guide


Course Objective

The objective of the research project is to gain insight into the various components of the research process, as well as the cohesion between the various components. The intention being: how to phrase a research question, formulate a hypothesis, prepare and perform experiments, analyze data, interpret results (theory development) and write scientific reports. You are then able (under supervision) to apply this insight when preparing, performing, reflecting, and reporting on your research while taking into account the societal, scientific and ethical impact of your findings. These objectives are mainly concerned with the technical aspects of scientific research. However, during the Master Research Project, you can immerse yourself in a subject that interests you and have valuable personal experiences. You will experience that working with others is an interesting and often educational experience but also that things can go wrong and how you react to such setbacks. To optimize your personal growth while doing your project, you will reflect on your personal interests, qualities and learning trajectory from start to finish using small focus groups.

Course Content

You can start your Research Project when you have acquired 30 EC from the first year courses. A re-search project has to meet a number of requirements, which are formulated as follows:
• The research is based on a subject within the domain of Human Movement Sciences that offers an adequate challenge.
• The research is performed in an ethically responsible way.
• The research is performed in a methodologically adequate manner.
• The research adds to, or is based on the theory valid for the scientific subject. The following assignments are compulsory:
• Submit a research proposal, usually within 3 months after the start.
• Present your proposal at one of the RM seminars.
• Submit a final report.
• Submit a critical reflection of your interests, (scientific) qualities and learning trajectory.
• Present your work during the Annual HMS Research Master Conference or one of the RM seminars.
• Attend a total of 20 seminars/colloquia, including 2 Annual HMS Research Master Conferences*.
• After approval of your first examiner, upload the final version of your report on the Canvas site of the Master Research Project (in combination with plagiarism check) and to the VU-library database.
- Students have to attend at least 5 colloquia organized by the Department of Human Movement Sciences and 5 Research Master seminars per academic year (i.e. a total of 10 colloquia and 10 seminars). The Annual HMS Research Master Conference in August, in which students present their final report of their research project, is mandatory and counts as 2 seminars. Besides the HMS colloquia, up to 2 PhD defenses organized by the Department of Human Movement Sciences per year and 3 relevant colloquia (relevance determined by the Program Director) organized by other departments per year will qualify. If a student fails to meet this requirement, an additional assignment will be given by the coordinator. Note: At the end of your project you have to hand in all electronic data, paper-based data, etc. (see contract for details) to your supervisor. Your grade will not be valid as long as you do not fulfill this requirement. In some cases, the requirements may be different, but this is the responsibility of your first examiner.

Teaching Methods

The student conducts the research project under the supervision of one or more members of the academic staff of the Department of Human Movement Sciences or a member of the Amsterdam Movement Sciences research institute who qualifies as an examiner. The subject of the internship is chosen in consultation with the coordinator. Once the subject of the research project and the supervisor(s) have been established, the student writes a proposal, comprising research question, hypothesis(es), methods statistics and planning. In addition to a time schedule, the proposal should include choices for equipment and indications for organization of the work. After the proposal has been approved by the supervisor(s) and second examiner, it is presented during a Research Master Seminar. The student is entitled to approximately 70 hrs of supervision time. The student can opt to divide the research project (60 EC) in two parts, a major (36 EC) and a minor (24 EC) project.

Method of Assessment

Your final grade will be determined as follows:
• Research proposal: Both your first and second examiner will grade your research proposal. The mean of these two grades contributes 20% to your final grade.
• Research process: Only your first examiner will judge your research process. For external projects, the first examiner will (at least partly) base her/his judgement on the advice of the external daily supervisor. This grade contributes 30% to your final grade and includes the reflection product.
• Final research report: Both your first and second examiner will grade your final research report. The mean of these two grades contributes 40% to your final grade.
• Oral presentation: Your first examiner and a second qualified examiner will grade your oral presentation. The mean of the two grades contributes 10% to your final grade.

Entry Requirements

The student should be registered as a Research Master student in Human Movement Sciences and should have acquired at least 30 EC from the first year courses before being allowed to start the master research project.
Academic year1/09/2431/08/25
Course level60.00 EC

Language of Tuition

  • English

Study type

  • Master