Design, execute and report on research 2. Aptitude test (the thesis). The 'aptitude test' means that the acquired knowledge, skills and attitudes in the field of Science, Business & Innovation are applied in a project. This project comprises an internship in an organization of 6 months, the formulation of an SBI-related problem, an analysis of this problem and written and oral reporting of the problem and analysis.When completing the Master project students learn to further deepen their knowledge and skills that they have obtained during their bachelor and master program. At the start of the project, students develop a project plan. This plan consists of a literature study, research questions, research methods and techniques, a time schedule and research goals. The student is only allowed to start with the project, when the plan has been approved by the supervisors from the VU University. The SBI master project (6 months, 36 EC) is a research internship. The objectives of the SBI master project are: 1. Research, analyse and objectify a research question existing within an organization. Derive answers to the research question(s) based on results obtained during execution of the research project, discuss outcomes and derive conclusions 2. Aim to formulate recommendations to the company based on the research outcomes and conclusions 3. Gain insight into the strategy and operation of an organization 4. Practice and develop social and communication skills 5. Orientation on a future field of work.During the master project, three lectures and three Q&A sessions about the project will be given at the university. For further information see Manual Master project SBI (Canvas). The student will spend most of his/her time on conducting the research project and writing the thesis.Work execution: 40% Aptitude test (the thesis): 45% Final oral presentation: 15%Verschuren, P., Doorewaard, H. (most recent edition) Designing a research project. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing. Other literature as described in the plan of action.2 M SBIStudents must write a reflection report when they have (almost) completed their internship. The report consists of two parts: a business analysis and a self-reflection part.Students may participate in the SBI Project & Master Thesis (X_432735) only if they have passed the interim examination or examinations for the components mentioned hereinafter:SBI Research Methodology (X_432846)Science Project (XM_422591)