URL study guide


Course Objective

The aim of this course is to synthesize a range of science-based methods that are applied to archaeological research. An introduction and basic instruction into the diverse methodology of Science in Archaeology will be presented. After finishing this course, students will:have acquired specific knowledge of science methods and techniques that are used to answer archaeological research questions;be able to critically reflect on the potential and limitations of these methods (application, added value, representativeness);have gained insight into the position of science methods and techniques in archaeology and have acquired knowledge about the most important historical developments in science approaches in archaeology;have gained practical skills in applying a number of science methods and techniques, in particular in the fields of palaeo-ecology, forensic anthropology and materials analysis;have learned to analyse datasets obtained using science methods and techniques, to apply appropriate techniques, to evaluate the results, draw conclusions from them and to present them.

Course Content

In this course, the theoretical and technical basis of various science methods used in Archaeology will be treated, as well as their position within this discipline. Several case studies will show both the potential and the limitations of these methods. Furthermore, practical training will be offered through group and individual assignments. The data sets used during the practicals will come from current research projects at UvA and VU. The course consists of the following modules:introduction to science-based methods in archaeologyecological archaeology (zooarchaeology and archaeobotany)osteoarchaeologyisotopes and aDNA in archaeologydata analysis and statisticsAlongside the classes, students will prepare for a final presentation and essay. For this, they will develop their own investigative skills and go further into an area that they are most interested in, by describing and evaluating the different uses of science methods in an archaeological theme of choice.

Teaching Methods

Lectures and practicals. Contact hours: 6 hours per week (1 x 4 and 1 x 2)

Method of Assessment

Assessment consists of practical assignments, essays and/or presentations for each of the themes treated (completed/non-completed). The grade will be determined through a set of final assignments. The resit regulations will be specified in the study manual.


Renfrew, C. & P. Bahn 2020. Archaeology: Theories, Methods and Practice (8th Edition). Thames & Hudson. Chapters 6-9 and 11.Drennan, R. 2009. Statistics for Archaeologists: A Common Sense Approach. Springer. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4419-0413-3. Chapters 1-6, 12 and 14. Additional literature and web resources will be provided through Canvas.

Target Audience

BA2 ACASA Archaeology.Also available as elective to students in Ancient Studies, History and Anthropology.

Custom Course Registration

ACASA students must register via UvA https://glass.uva.nl VU students who would like to follow this course as an elective need to request a guest registration at the UvA. See for more information: https://www.uva.nl/en/education/other-programmes/electives/electives.html Please note:Course registration periods between VU and UvA differ.This course is scheduled at the University of Amsterdam.

Additional Information

This course is part of a joined programme by the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) and the University of Amsterdam (UvA). It is taught at a UvA location. For the course schedule see https://rooster.uva.nl/

Recommended background knowledge

Environmental Archaeology (BA1 Archaeology)Material Sources (BA1 Archaeology)
Academic year1/09/2431/08/25
Course level6.00 EC

Language of Tuition

  • English

Study type

  • Bachelor