URL study guide
https://studiegids.vu.nl/en/courses/2024-2025/P_MTPRORGCourse Objective
In this course you will learn about the nature of organizational teams and different processes in these teams and their organizational context that have implications for the functioning of these teams. After taking this course you will be able to:- recognize and systematically describe characteristics of teams and how teams evolve across their life cycle.
- understand how team members interact, exchange information, manage diversity and conflict, reach decisions, and adapt to change, and understand how that affects team outcomes.
- reflect on your own team working skills and work more effectively in a team.
- select a team diagnostic tool for a specific team, apply this tool, analyse the results of your diagnosis, and identify a suitable team development intervention based on your results.
Course Content
Organizations increasingly make use of teams to accomplish important tasks. In this course we first explore the nature and characteristics of teams in organizations and discuss how to describe and distinguish them. We then move on to specific research topics in the area of social processes and change dynamics in organizations as well as the research methods used to study them. Topics include for example information sharing, decision making, diversity management, conflict resolution, and managing and adapting to change. Practical methods for team development will also be discussed and applied in a team project. Students will form teams at the beginning of the course and work on a team assignment throughout the course.Teaching Methods
Prerecorded lectures will be made available, in which key concepts, theories, and methods are explained. Weekly on-campus meetings will focus on interactive exercises and allow time for questions and discussions. Students also work on a team project throughout the course that includes a compulsory, virtual team presentation followed by a discussion.Method of Assessment
Grading will be based on a team project that takes place throughout the course (40% of grade) and on a written exam that take place after the course (60% of grade). You need to pass both the team project and the exam in order to complete this course (i.e., both grades ≥ 5.5). Failure to actively participate in a team will result in being unenrolled. Please keep in mind that partial grades are only valid for the duration of the academic year in which they were earned.Literature
Scientific papers covering relevant and current research topics will be announced on Canvas.Custom Course Registration
Mandatory registration for the team project via the Canvas course site at the beginning of the course. Students who do not enroll in a team will not be able to pass this course. More information will follow on Canvas.Recommended background knowledge
Students are strongly encouraged to review their knowledge about social psychological theories and group processes prior to the course.Language of Tuition
- English
Study type
- Master