URL study guide


Course Objective

The learning objectives of this course are as follows. Upon having successfully passed this course, the student:Is able to make relevant contributions to the field of the entrepreneurial venture during its life cycle, using academic research skills (this learning objective is related to Exit Qualification 1 of the Master).Is able to apply the acquired knowledge of the entrepreneurial venture during its life cycle for developing innovative and scalable business ideas (this learning objective is related to Exit Qualification 2 of the Master).Is able to integrate knowledge on the entrepreneurial venture during its life cycle, handle complexity, and formulate judgments with incomplete information (this learning objective is related to Exit Qualification 3 of the Master).Is able to clearly communicate his/her findings related to the entrepreneurial venture during its lifecycle, including the underpinning knowledge and rationale (this learning objective is related to Exit Qualification 4 of the Master).Is able to balance economic, social and environmental aspects, in order to formulate judgments concerning the development of the entrepreneurial venture during its life cycle (this learning objective is related to Exit Qualification 5 of the Master).Is able to study the entrepreneurial venture during its life cycle in a largely self-directed way (this learning objective is related to Exit Qualification 6 of the Master).Has developed an attitude that is relevant for the development of the entrepreneurial venture during its life cycle (this learning objective is related to Exit Qualification 7 of the Master).See also the Teaching and Examination Regulations 2023-2024 for the full description of the Exit Qualifications of the Joint VU & UvA Master Entrepreneurship. In summary, by following this course, you will become an expert in the life cycle of the entrepreneurial venture / small firm, in terms of knowledge, skills and attitude.

Course Content

The focus of this course is on the changes of the entrepreneurial venture during its lifecycle. These changes are dealt with both in an actual way (how it is) and in a normative way (how it should be). The ‘life cycle of the small firm’ model plays a pivotal role in this course. This is the model in which the entrepreneurial venture develops in size, through a number of different stages, when time passes. One standard is to make a distinction between the stages of conception, start-up, scale-up (or growth), maturity and decline, but other approaches are possible as well. The entrepreneurial venture is not dealt with in isolation in this course, but is dealt with within the context of the entrepreneurial ecosystem and the business environment as well. There is also a coherence with the other course in this period (The Entrepreneurial Individual), as the entrepreneur also changes during the life cycle of the small firm. Together these courses deliver an interesting synergy, though there is clearly a difference in perspective. The creation of entrepreneurial ventures and the further development of entrepreneurial ventures are important for the economic and societal development, especially (but not exclusively) for employment creation and for the production of (sustainable) innovations. This interest does not only apply to independent entrepreneurial ventures but it also applies to new ventures and spin-offs from large corporates, from (semi-)public institutions and from universities, and other entities.

Teaching Methods

The teaching forms used in this course are: lectures, TEV assignment, coaching sessions (part of the TEV assignment), and weekly assignments. Within these teaching forms a great variety of approaches take place.

Method of Assessment

The assessment of the course consists of three parts: the online open book exam (60% of the final grade), the TEV assignment (40% of the final grade) and the weekly assignments (Pass/Fail). The online open book exam is an individual assignment, the TEV assignment is a group assignment, and the weekly assignments are to be made by changing duos of students. The online open book exam tests the student’s knowledge of the literature, knowledge of the content of the lectures, ability to apply the mentioned knowledge and personal insights (mainly based on the mentioned knowledge). The TEV assignment will be explained during the second week of the course. The weekly assignments will be explained during the lectures and will be feedbacked in the class room. Both the exam and the TEV assignment should be sufficient, i.e. completed with a grade of at least 5.5. All weekly assignments have to be completed with a Pass. All forms of examination have one re-sit.


To be announced.

Entry Requirements

See program entry requirements.
Academic year1/09/2431/08/25
Course level6.00 EC

Language of Tuition

  • English

Study type

  • Master