URL study guide
https://studiegids.vu.nl/en/courses/2024-2025/E_PTACC_TH12Course Objective
In writing a thesis, the student demonstrates the ability to make relevant (academic, managerial and societal) contributions to the academic body of knowledge in accounting and control using academic research skills.Course Content
Students write an individual thesis reporting on a research project. A key element of the thesis is that all components (research question, research approach, findings) are related to and discussed in the context of the relevant academic literature, so that the contribution to this literature is made explicit. Normally, given the practical nature of accounting and control, the thesis will also refer to issues in practice and professional literature. All theses contain an element of research, but, just as in the academic literature, research methods can vary considerably (from case studies to quantitative analyses of large archival datasets).Teaching Methods
The main features of the thesis process in this programme are as follows:• The thesis is written individually; it shows that you can carry out an academic research project.
• You can enroll at two starting points during the year.
• You enroll by indicating your preferences in a list of thesis topics selected by supervisors
• Based on your preferences you are assigned to a small topic group with a supervisor
• For each topic group, the supervisor selects a set of basic readings
• The basic readings are discussed in a number of mandatory sessions. During these sessions, students also work out and discuss their own specific research questions and approaches within the overall scope of the topic.
• This first phase ends with submission of a work plan to be approved by supervisor and second reader.
• During the second phase you write your individual thesis with guidance from your supervisor without further group sessions.
• You submit your final thesis on or before a given deadline.
• The grade for your thesis is determined by the supervisor and a second reader.
• A rewrite option is given only when the final thesis is insufficient.
• You will then have to resubmit in a limited time period and the grade will be capped at 6.0.
• Standards of academic integrity (e.g. no plagiarism) apply throughout the process, expressed in the inclusion of a Statement of Originality.