Additional file 5 of Assessing training needs in infectious disease management at major ports, airports and ground-crossings in Europe

  • Christos Hadjichristodoulou (Contributor)
  • Aura Timen (Contributor)
  • Varvara A. Mouchtouri (Contributor)
  • Doret de Rooij (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, National Institute of Public Health and the Environment) (Contributor)
  • Jörg Raab (Contributor)
  • Evelien Belfroid (Contributor)



Additional file 5. Rough and prepared data.xls. In this file, the rough data file and prepared data set is presented. The file contains several sheets: Introduction: here the other sheets are introduced again. Rough File: The data as exported from Formdesk, with the headings used in Formdesk. In this sheet are highlighted: the unfinished questionnaires (orange), and questionnaires without consent for processing the data (red). Prepared: In this slide the unfinished questionnaires and those without formal consent have been excluded. Headings were added, and nominal data were splitted in colomns with binary data. Later on, the additional information from the follow-up questionnaire was added in column GL-GP. Prepared-final: Here, we excluded double submissions and non-designated points of entry. This is the database as it was uploaded into SPSS for further analysis.
Date made available1 Jan 2021
Publisherfigshare Academic Research System

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