Additional file 9: Table S1. of Integrative analysis of the Trypanosoma brucei gene expression cascade predicts differential regulation of mRNA processing and unusual control of ribosomal protein expression

  • Enoch Antwi (Contributor)
  • Jurgen Haanstra (Contributor)
  • Gowthaman Ramasamy (Contributor)
  • Bryan Jensen (Contributor)
  • Dorothea Droll (Contributor)
  • Federico Rojas (Contributor)
  • Igor Minia (Contributor)
  • Monica Terrao (Contributor)
  • Clémentine Mercé (Contributor)
  • Keith Matthews (Contributor)
  • Peter Myler (Contributor)
  • Marilyn Parsons (Contributor)
  • Christine Clayton (Contributor)

Dataset / Software


Datasets used for modelling, with results. Data are taken from [16]. Sheet 1: We chose coding regions for which there had been no more than 2-fold differences in either copy number, or mRNA abundances, between 2 different experiments in bloodstream forms. The error in the half-life measurement in bloodstream forms (residual sum of squares) was also less than 0.3. Sim = simulated results; results for model BS-D (columns L & M) were used for the main analyses but those for BS-A and BS-E are also included in columns R-U. Column P has the following categories: “1. High”: mRNA amount is at least 4 times higher than expected; “2. Low”: mRNA amount is at least 4 times less than expected; 3. Normal: mRNA amount is less than 4 times more or less than expected. Column Q is like column P except that the boundary is within 2-fold. Sheet 2: As for sheet 1, but for procyclic forms. In this case mRNAs were taken for which the standard deviation of 3 abundance measurements was less than twice the mean. Sim = simulated results; results for model parameters PC-A (columns L & M) were used for the main analyses but those for PC-B are also included in columns R&S. Sheet 3: Coding regions from sheet 1 for which there was a measured bloodstream-form splicing time of less than 5 min; used for testing all bloodstream-form models except BS-C. Sheet 4: Coding regions from Sheet 4 for which the next gene downstream also had a measured splicing time of less than 5 min; used for testing bloodstream-form model BS-C. (XLSX 1679 kb)
Date made available26 Apr 2016
PublisherUnknown Publisher

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