Abstract: Not Available
Category: geoscientificInformation
Source: Not Available
Supplemental Information: DEPTH, sediment/rock [m] is given in rmcd. Boundary tied to GTS2012 (66.04 Ma) and all cyclostratigraphic ages adjusted respectively. ie points from Paleocene are based on Hilgen et al (2010). Cretaceous Nanno datum from Lees (2005).
Coverage: EVENT LABEL: * LATITUDE: 32.651700 * LONGITUDE: 158.505983 * DATE/TIME START: 2001-09-18T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2001-09-23T00:00:00 * ELEVATION: -2387.3 m * Penetration: 865.1 m * Recovery: 766 m * LOCATION: North Pacific Ocean * CAMPAIGN: Leg198 * BASIS: Joides Resolution * DEVICE: Composite Core