Bulk particle composition and mass flux of sediment trap 13M4

  • Laura F Korte (Contributor)
  • Geert-Jan A Brummer (Contributor)
  • Michèlle Van Der Does (Contributor)
  • Catarina V. Guerreiro (Contributor)
  • Furu Mienis (Contributor)
  • Chris I. Munday (Contributor)
  • Leandro Ponsoni (Contributor)
  • Stefan Schouten (Contributor)
  • Jan-Berend Stuut (Contributor)

Dataset / Software


Abstract: Not Available

Category: geoscientificInformation

Source: Not Available

Supplemental Information: Not Availble

Coverage: EVENT LABEL: 13M4 (64PE378_13M4-5) * LATITUDE: 12.063070 * LONGITUDE: -49.191580 * DATE/TIME: 2012-10-15T11:28:00 * ELEVATION: -4670.0 m * LOCATION: North Atlantic Ocean * METHOD/DEVICE: Mooring (long time)
Date made available29 May 2020
PublisherUnknown Publisher

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